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C206 Task1.docx (2) C206 Task #1 During my professional Development many people have h

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C206 Task1.docx (2)    C206 Task #1  During my professional Development many people have had a lasting impact on my career.  Many of these men and women are no longer with the company and all have played important roles in my development, however one person€™s input stands above the rest.  This person is my immediate supervisor David Banks.  I began my career within the Metering Services department in 2007 entering into a developmental apprenticeship program.  While I was a new employee with much to learn David directed me in how to maximize my time and efforts to grow and contribute to the company in the most positive way.  David worked with me to progress through the apprenticeship program, as well as grow as an employee that can operate with integrity and run the business as my own.  David did this by leading by example.  While our everyday duties differed on many levels the contribution to the company was very much alike.  Within the first week I began to notice how the journeymen responsible for my field training interacted with David, and comfortable they were with relaying their thoughts and concerns.  This enlightened me as to how David really was submerged into his work to make his time spent their highly effective, and had instilled a fundamental trust from his team to support each other in all aspects of work and life.  €œUnquestionable Trust€ is a motto I quickly found out was a cornerstone of not only Southern Company, but also an effective leader.  In my scenario, David was a le

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$ 7.00

[Solved] C206 Task1.docx (2) C206 Task #1 During my professional Development many people have h

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  • Submitted On 13 Jul, 2022 07:47:44
Answer posted by
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C206 Task1.docx (2) C206 Task #1 During my professional Development many people have had a lasting impact on my career. Many of these men and women are no longer with the company and all have played important roles in my development, however one person€™s input stands above the rest. This person is my immediate supervisor David Banks. I began my career within the Meter...
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