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C206 TASK1 NN.docx C206 TASK 1 NN Western Governors University C206 TASK 1 A1. Ethi

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C206 TASK1 NN.docx    C206 TASK 1  NN  Western Governors University  C206 TASK 1  A1. Ethical Traits  There are many great leaders in the world to choose from that exemplify ethical traits, one of the ones that stand out in my mind is a native of Idaho, which coincidentally is where I reside. His name is Dan Price. Dan Price is known for disrupting an industry with his startup company Gravity payments. Dan was just 19 years old when he started Gravity payments from a dorm room. ("Gravity Payments," na) Two of the traits that Dan has are Honesty and Transparency.   These traits are very apparent when you start to see the reason he started his company. Coming from rural Idaho he became aware of the plight of small business owners in his home town, he felt he understood the pain they were enduring as Credit card processors took advantage of them and were overcharging for their services. He goes on to tell how he went to work to come up with a better solution and really never intended to make a lot of money. He was in it to do things with Transparency and Honesty for the people he was trying to help. His help didn€™t just end with the small businesses that signed up for service from his new company, it afforded him the opportunity to change the lives of the people that ended up working for him. Through his honesty and transparency, he made a dramatic change in his company in 2015 that made waves around the world, he announced that he was going to pay everyone in his company, 120 employees, a $70,000

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[Solved] C206 TASK1 NN.docx C206 TASK 1 NN Western Governors University C206 TASK 1 A1. Ethi

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  • Submitted On 13 Jul, 2022 07:47:28
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C206 TASK1 NN.docx C206 TASK 1 NN Western Governors University C206 TASK 1 A1. Ethical Traits There are many great leaders in the world to choose from that exemplify ethical traits, one of the ones that stand out in my mind is a native of Idaho, which coincidentally is where I reside. His name is Dan Price. Dan Price is known for disrupting an industry with his startup c...
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