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PSYC Psychology Chapter 11 answers complete solutions for any quiz and exam

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1. When Olivia's baby is born the doctor says, "It's a girl." Based on the definitions in the text, to which concept is the doctor referring?

a) Gender role

b) Sex

c) Sex role

d) Sex identity

e) Gender

2. Gender is to ________ as sex is to ________.

a) XX; XY

b) genetic; biological

c) biological; genetic

d) biological; psychosocial

e) psychosocial; biological

3. In a particular society, men are expected to provide protection and monetary support, whereas women are expected to tend to the home and children. These expectations reflect what for females and males in the society?

a) Gender identities

b) Gender roles

c) Gender rules

d) Sex roles

e) Sex rules

4. The psychological experience of being female or male is called one's

a) gender role.

b) gender identity.

c) gender.

d) gender awareness.

e) sex.

5. In many societies, men are expected to be more aggressive and women are expected to be more nurturing. This reflects differences at the level of

a) gender.

b) sex.

c) gender identity.

d) gender roles.

e) gender assignment.

6. Four-year-old Pedro knows that he is male. Pedro's psychological experiences of being a male are best described as his

a) gender.

b) gender role.

c) gender identity.

d) gender congruence.

e) gender stereotype.

7. By what age is William likely to have acquired a firm sense of being male?

a) at birth

b) by one year of age

c) by three years of age

d) by seven years of age

e) by puberty

8. Regarding the development of gender identity, which of the following statements is true?

a) Chromosomal patterns determine one's gender identity, but not necessarily one's biological sex.

b) Gender identity is often not consistent with one's chromosomal sex.

c) Most scientists believe that gender identity involves a complex interaction between nature and nurture.

d) It is impossible to have the gender identity of one gender and the chromosomal sex and sexual organs of the other gender.

e) Gender identity is fully determined before birth.

9. The fact that individuals born with ambiguous genital structures develop a gender identity consistent with the way in which they are raised (regardless of genetic sex) suggests that

a) gender identity is not completely biologically determined.

b) gender identity remains malleable until puberty.

c) gender identity is established at birth.

d) biology has the strongest influence on gender identity.

e) nature triumphs over nurture.

10. Edward is a transsexual, which means that

a) he represents a rare form of homosexuality.

b) he has mixed genital structures.

c) his sex and gender identity are in conflict.

d) his gender identity is ambiguous.

e) he likes to dress in women's clothes.

11. Renee feels that she is "a man trapped in a woman's body." Despite a genetic makeup of XY and female genitalia, Renee has a male gender identity. What is Renee experiencing?

a) Homosexuality

b) Transsexualism

c) Hermaphroditism

d) Psychosis

e) Transvestism

12. Which of the following statements is true about transsexualism?

a) Transsexuals are defined as people who have sex-change operations.

b) The major feature of transsexualism is dissatisfaction with one's biological sex.

c) Everyone who cross-dresses is transsexual.

d) Transsexualism is just a form of homosexuality.

e) Scientists suspect that the causes of transsexualism are mainly environmental.

13. Jerry, a male, is about to have gender reassignment surgery in order to become Geraldine, a female. What is one thing that he can expect when he becomes a she?

a) That, after the surgery, she will not need to take hormones

b) That she will have ovaries

c) That she will be able to get pregnant

d) That she will be able to participate in heterosexual intercourse with males

e) That the surgery will give her breasts

14. Gender roles are

a) fixed, conventional views of "masculine" and "feminine" behavior.

b) determined by chromosomal patterns.

c) cultural expectations imposed on women and men to behave in ways deemed appropriate for their gender.

d) directions of erotic attraction and romantic interest.

e) psychological feelings of maleness or femaleness.

15. Fixed, conventional views regarding masculinity and femininity are referred to as

a) gender ideals.

b) gender roles.

c) gender identities.

d) gender-role stereotypes.

e) sexual norms.

16. All of the following are part of the female gender-role stereotype in American culture EXCEPT

a) dependency.

b) assertiveness.

c) patience.

d) kindness.

e) submissiveness.

17. A male born into American culture will probably be encouraged to be all of the following EXCEPT

a) nurturing.

b) independent.

c) dominant.

d) protective.

e) tough.

18. That gender roles are changing in the United States is suggested by which of the following facts?

a) Relatively few women are computer programmers or stock brokers.

b) Women are more likely to be responsible for household care and management.

c) Women provide the majority of care for children.

d) TV and movies continue to portray men as leaders and women as subordinates.

e) Some women command naval vessels and pilot military helicopters.

19. The social-cognitive theory of gender identity suggests that gender identity

a) is innate.

b) represents a process of cultural adaptation.

c) results from observing others and receiving reinforcement for gender-appropriate behaviors.

d) occurs in a nonsystematic fashion.

e) is an effort to make behaviors consistent with gender schemas.

20. Which of the following demonstrates that gender-role expectations have NOT changed enough?

a) The fact that girls these days are encouraged to follow any career path that appeals to them

b) The fact that girls are participating in sports more than at any previous time

c) The fact that male college students still expect women to take care of the house and kids

d) The fact that there are many fathers who do their share of household tasks

e) The fact that more mothers work outside the home than stay at home

21. According to cross-cultural research on gender-role stereotypes, which of the following is true?

a) Chinese college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than American college students.

b) American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than Chinese college students.

c) Male Chinese and American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than female Chinese and American college students.

d) Female Chinese and American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than male Chinese and American college students.

e) Male American and female Chinese college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than female American and male Chinese college students.

22. Children are aware of gender schemas by about what age?

a) One year

b) Eighteen months

c) Three years

d) Five years

e) Eight years

23. The social-cognitive explanation of development of gender-typed behavior is associated with which researcher(s)?

a) Sandra Bem

b) William Masters and Virginia Johnson

c) Albert Bandura and Walter Mischel

d) Jeffrey Arnett

e) Margaret Mead

24. Gender-schema theory stresses the importance of what in gender identity development?

a) Cognitive factors

b) Genetic factors

c) Hormonal factors

d) Brain structures

e) Cultural influences

25. A way of organizing knowledge about the world in terms of masculinity and femininity is a

a) gender role.

b) gender identity.

c) gender schema.

d) gender value.

e) gender-linked representation.

26. Which of the following parents are going against traditional gender roles?

a) Joe and Jen, who gave their daughter a completely furnished dollhouse

b) Ken and Kate, who gave their son a superman action figure

c) Lou and Lynn, who encourage their daughter to be tough on the soccer field

d) Max and May, who encourage their son to hold back tears when he gets hurt

e) Niles and Noreen, who gave their daughter a doll that wets her diaper

27. According to evolutionary theory, stereotypical gender roles evolved from the traditional roles of women as ________ and men as ________.

a) nursers; medicine men

b) warriors; nurturers

c) nurturers; warriors

d) gatherers; hunters

e) followers; leaders

28. Evidence that males are more aggressive than females is borne out by all of the following statements EXCEPT:

a) Boys are more likely than girls to get into trouble for fighting.

b) Violent sexual offenders are almost exclusively male.

c) Boys show more relational aggression than girls.

d) Prisons are mostly populated with men who have committed violent crimes.

e) Boys' play is typically more competitive, active, and aggressive than girls' play.

29. Which type of aggression, if any, are females more likely than males to display?

a) Physical aggression

b) Relational aggression

c) Aggressive play

d) Overt aggression

e) None. Males show higher levels than females on all types of aggression.

30. Carol and Darrell are twins. Other factors being equal, which pattern is predicted for their behavior?

a) Carol and Darrell are equally likely to be physically aggressive.

b) Darrell and Carol are equally likely to engage in relational aggression.

c) Darrell is more likely than Carole to use physical and relational aggression.

d) Carol is more likely than Darrell to use physical and relational aggression.

e) Darrell is more likely to use physical aggression, whereas Carol is more likely to use relational aggression.

31. Which of the following statements is true about the possible relationship between testosterone levels and aggression?

a) There is no relationship between testosterone levels and aggression.

b) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in men, but not in women.

c) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in women, but not in men.

d) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in both women and men.

e) Lower testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in women, and higher levels of testosterone are associated with higher levels of aggression in men.

32. Whose research suggests that gender roles may have more to do with societal adaptation to environmental demands than to biological demands?

a) Albert Bandura

b) Sandra Bem

c) Walter Mischel

d) Alfred Kinsey

e) Margaret Mead

33. Which of the following statements is true regarding gender identity?

a) Sociocultural theorists emphasize that women and men are genetically predisposed to certain gender-typed traits because these traits have adaptive value for the species.

b) According to gender-schema theory, children develop mental representations of femininity and masculinity and then begin to act in ways consistent with their schemas.

c) Research on androgyny suggests that masculinity and femininity are opposite poles on a single continuum.

d) The evolutionary perspective focuses on the roles of observational learning and reinforcement in the development of gender-typed behavior.

e) Social-cognitive theorists emphasize that gender roles represent cultural adaptations that have help societies adapt to environmental demands.

34. Which researcher found that women and men could possess high levels of both femininity and masculinity?

a) Albert Bandura

b) Walter Mischel

c) Sandra Bem

d) Margaret Mead

e) Jeffrey Arnett

35. Someone who has low levels of both masculine and feminine traits is characterized as

a) asexual.

b) androgynous.

c) transsexual.

d) homosexual.

e) undifferentiated.

36. Psychological androgyny is best described as having

a) personality characteristics that are not associated with masculinity or femininity.

b) high levels of masculinity and low levels of femininity.

c) high levels of femininity and low levels of masculinity.

d) low levels of both masculine and feminine characteristics.

e) high levels of both feminine and masculine characteristics.

37. Arnold takes the Bem Sex Role Inventory, which measures a person's level of feminine and masculine characteristics. If Arnold scores low on feminine characteristics and high on masculine characteristics, he will be classified as

a) male-dominant.

b) masculine.

c) androgynous.

d) heterosexual.

e) undifferentiated.

38. In studying date and mate preferences, researchers have found that

a) men prefer women with feminine traits, and women prefer men with masculine traits.

b) men prefer women with feminine traits, and women prefer men with both feminine and masculine traits.

c) women prefer men with masculine traits, and men prefer women with both feminine and masculine traits.

d) women prefer men with feminine traits, and men prefer women with masculine traits.

e) both men and women prefer partners who have both masculine and feminine traits.

39. Regarding reading skills, compared to girls, boys tend to perform ________, and are ________ likely to have reading disabilities.

a) worse; less

b) better; less

c) worse; more

d) better; more

e) worse; equally

40. Tom has a disability that severely impairs his ability to read. What is Tom's disability?

a) Dysphoria

b) Attention-deficit disorder

c) Hyperactivity

d) Dyslexia

e) Aphasia

41. Regarding math ability, males typically outperform females,

a) and the difference is getting larger.

b) but the difference is getting smaller.

c) but there are more females at the high end and more males at the low end of math ability.

d) and there are more of them at the high end of math ability and more females at the low end of math ability.

e) and there are more females at both the low and high ends of math ability.

42. Other factors being equal, which of the following is predicted for Roxanne and her brother, Reginald?

a) Reginald will likely have a better memory for where things are located than Roxanne.

b) Reginald will have poorer visual-spatial abilities than Roxanne.

c) Roxanne will have greater intelligence than Reginald.

d) Roxanne is more likely to have dyslexia than Reginald.

e) Roxanne will outperform Reginald in terms of reading, writing, and spelling.

43. Regarding gender differences in cognitive abilities, which of the following statements is true?

a) College men tend to underestimate their math ability more than do college women.

b) Women outperform men at solving geometry problems and mazes.

c) College men are more likely than college women to doubt their computer skills.

d) Men outperform women on tests of both general intelligence and problem-solving ability.

e) Boys are more variable than girls in their math performance.

44. A study that recorded conversations by several hundred male and female college students concluded that

a) college men and women are equally talkative.

b) college women are much more talkative than college men.

c) college women are more reluctant than college men to talk when they know they are being recorded.

d) college men are much more talkative than college women.

e) college men are more reluctant than college women to talk when they know they are being recorded.

45. Research on gender differences in managerial and leadership style suggests that

a) men are better leaders and managers than women.

b) women are better managers and leaders than men.

c) men and women are equally effective at managing and leading.

d) women are superior to men when managing or leading other women.

e) men are better leaders, whereas women are better managers.

46. On average, females score higher than males on which of the following aspects of personality?

a) Introversion

b) Aggressiveness

c) Assertiveness

d) Trust

e) Self-esteem

47. Evelyn manages a group of twenty engineers. She likes to seek their opinions when making decisions, and she focuses a good deal on building consensus among her team members. Evelyn's leadership style would best be described as

a) autocratic.

b) androgynous.

c) domineering.

d) masculine.

e) democratic.

48. Other factors being equal, how will Maude and Harold lead their employees?

a) Harold will tend to be more democratic, and Maude will tend to be more autocratic.

b) Harold will tend to be more autocratic, and Maude will tend to be more democratic.

c) Maude and Harold will both tend to be more democratic than autocratic.

d) Maude and Harold will both tend to be more autocratic than democratic.

e) Both Maude and Harold will be more democratic when dealing with female employees and more autocratic when dealing with male employees.

50. College students were asked to check how often reasons for having sex (from a list of 200) actually led them to have intercourse. The one reason endorsed by women most often was ________, and the one reason endorsed by men most often was ________.

a) "I wanted to show my affection to the person"; "I was sexually aroused and wanted the release"

b) "I wanted to please my partner"; "It's fun"

c) "I was attracted to the person"; "I was attracted to the person"

d) "It feels good"; "I wanted to experience the physical pleasure"

e) "I realized I was in love"; "I realized I was in love"

51. Which of the following statements is true about patterns of human sexual expression?

a) About 1 in 10 men reports masturbating at least once per week.

b) Reported rates of masturbation are higher among women than among men.

c) Among married couples, men report significantly higher rates of receiving oral sex than of performing oral sex.

d) Among married couples, women report significantly higher rates of performing oral sex than of receiving oral sex.

e) About 20 percent of women and 26 percent of men report having engaged in anal sex at some point in their life.

52. If Jessica and Nick are like the average American married couple, approximately how often do they have sexual relations?

a) Almost every day of the week

b) Four or more times per week

c) About once a week

d) Twice a month

e) A few times per year

53. In cross-cultural research on sexual values of Hispanic American college students, one finding was that

a) they generally held more permissive sexual values than did European American college students.

b) the females were found to hold more conservative values in all areas of sexuality than did the males.

c) the males were found to have more permissive attitudes toward oral sex and masturbation and more conservative values toward homosexuality than the females.

d) the females were found to have more permissive attitudes toward oral sex and masturbation and more conservative attitudes toward homosexuality than the males.

e) the males held more conservative values in all areas of sexuality than did the females.

54. What is one conclusion of Letitia Peplau's review of scientific evidence on average gender differences in sexual behavior?

a) Women have more frequent sexual desires than men.

b) Women fantasize more about sex than men.

c) Women are more likely than men to limit sexual intimacy to committed relationships.

d) Women have more permissive attitudes toward extramarital sex than do men.

e) Women engage in masturbation more often than men do.

55. Masters and Johnson divided the sexual response cycle into how many phases?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

d) Five

e) Six

56. Which researcher(s) identified the sexual response cycle?

a) Alfred Kinsey

b) Sandra Bem

c) William Masters and Virginia Johnson

d) Margaret Mead

e) Harry and Marguerite Harlow

57. In what order do the phases of the sexual response cycle occur?

a) Excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

b) Excitement, orgasm, plateau, resolution

c) Excitement, orgasm, resolution, plateau

d) Plateau, excitement, orgasm, resolution

e) Plateau, excitement, resolution, orgasm

58. During which phase of her sexual response cycle will Sasha experience vaginal lubrication due to the rushing of blood to her genitals?

a) Excitement

b) Plateau

c) Orgasm

d) Arousal

e) Resolution

59. Pooling of blood in the genitals during the sexual response cycle is the result of what bodily process?

a) Vasoconstriction

b) Vasodilation

c) Vasocongestion

d) Vasorestriction

e) Myotonia

60. Which of the following occurs as a result of vasocongestion?

a) Narrowing of vaginal walls

b) swelling of the tissue around the vaginal opening

c) Descending of testes and scrotum

d) Contraction of earlobes

e) Decrease in heart rate and blood pressure

61. The only sexual organ devoted solely to sexual pleasure is the

a) vagina.

b) penis.

c) scrotum.

d) clitoris.

e) testes.

62. There is increased myotonia during sexual excitement and plateau, which means that

a) blood flow is increased.

b) blood flow is decreased.

c) muscle tension is increased.

d) muscle tension is decreased.

e) blood flow and muscle tension both decrease.

63. Droplets of sperm-carrying seminal fluid are secreted and accumulate at the tip of a man's penis during which stage of the sexual response cycle?

a) Orgasm

b) Excitement

c) Plateau

d) Arousal

e) Resolution

64. Which of the following statements about the orgasmic response is true?

a) In women, orgasm occurs in two stages of muscular contractions. In men, there is only one stage.

b) Orgasmic contractions are reflexes.

c) Orgasm is the stage of the sexual response cycle that precedes the plateau stage.

d) In men, the last few contractions are the most intense.

e) Ejaculatory inevitability occurs in both sexes.

65. Which of the following happens during the second stage of muscular contraction during male orgasm?

a) Ejaculation

b) Ejaculatory inevitability

c) Muscles close off the urinary bladder.

d) Seminal fluid collects in a small tube at the base of the penis.

e) There is a pooling of semen.

66. Following orgasm, which of the following occurs?

a) Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration increase.

b) The scrotum regains its smooth appearance.

c) Both women and men enter a refractory period.

d) Myotonia increases.

e) Nipples shrink to their normal size.

67. During the sexual response cycle, a refractory period is a time when

a) men can only experience ejaculation without orgasm.

b) physiological signs of arousal persist, but psychological arousal is absent.

c) subsequent orgasms are easier to achieve for both men and women.

d) men are unable to achieve another orgasm.

e) men experience a sense of ejaculatory inevitability.

68. Which of the following statements about sexual orientation is true?

a) Sexual orientation is a matter of personal choice.

b) Rates of homosexuality have increased sharply in recent years.

c) Gay males are not responsible for the majority of cases of sexual abuse of young boys.

d) Recent evidence shows that sexual orientation is completely genetically determined.

e) Having sexual contacts with members of one's own sex is the criterion professionals use to determine that one has a homosexual sexual orientation.

69. Sandra says that she is attracted to both females and males. Sandra is describing her

a) sexual dysfunction.

b) sexual identity.

c) gender identity.

d) gender role.

e) sexual orientation.

70. Which researcher(s) is(are) well known for challenging the widely held assumption that homosexuality and heterosexuality are mutually exclusive categories?

a) Alfred Kinsey

b) Virginia Johnson and William Masters

c) Margaret Mead

d) Sandra and Darryl Bem

e) Sigmund Freud

71. Contemporary research on sexuality in the United States and Europe has found that between ________ percent of people identify themselves as homosexuals and between ________ percent identify themselves as bisexuals.

a) 1 and 3; 15 and 20

b) 1 and 3; 1 and 4

c) 5 and 10; 15 and 20

d) 5 and 10; 1 and 3

e) 15 and 20; 25 and 30

72. Which of the following is the best description of the nature of sexual orientation?

a) Two opposite, conflicting poles

b) Two opposite, complementary poles

c) Three fixed categories: homosexual, heterosexual, and bisexual

d) A triangle, with each orientation falling at one of the points

e) A continuum with many gradations

73. Freud believed that heterosexuality resulted from a person's

a) identification with the same-sex parent.

b) identification with the opposite-sex parent.

c) overidentification with the same-sex parent.

d) overidentification with the opposite-sex parent.

e) rejection of the same-sex parent.

74. Gay men tend to report which of the following?

a) erotic attraction for other boys as very young children.

b) more sensitivity as children.

c) many male buddies as children.

d) early attraction to their mothers' clothes.

e) feelings of being different beginning in late adolescence.

75. Which of the following statements regarding homosexuality is true?

a) Homosexuality is a matter of personal choice.

b) Being raised by a same-sex couple makes it more likely that a child will be homosexual.

c) Homosexuals commit the majority of incidents of sexual abuse.

d) Our understanding of the origins of sexual orientation remains inconclusive.

e) Homosexuals would prefer to have the anatomy of the opposite sex.

76. Which of the following statements is true of sexual orientation?

a) Identical twins are no more likely than fraternal twins to share the same sexual orientation.

b) Genetic factors appear to play a larger role in determining homosexuality in women than in men.

c) Maternal use of some prescription drugs may influence sex hormone levels during prenatal development, and that, in turn, may affect sexual orientation.

d) Most experts suggest that sexual orientation is explained mainly by environmental influences.

e) It appears that male sexuality may be more flexible than female sexuality.

77. Harrison heard many things from his friends concerning sexual orientation. Most were myths, but one thing that was true was that

a) children raised by gay or lesbian parents usually turn out to be homosexual, as well.

b) rates of homosexuality have increased sharply in recent years.

c) homosexuality is not mostly about sex, but about patterns of sexual attraction.

d) a person is either totally heterosexual or totally homosexual.

e) gay males wish they were females, and lesbians wish they were men.

78. Anthropologists suggest that homosexuality is more or less tolerated in non-Western cultures according to

a) the degree of the culture's religious fundamentalism.

b) how well women of the culture are treated.

c) the culture's need to limit or increase the population.

d) how tolerant the people of the culture are toward other atypical sexual variations.

e) whether people in the culture have a peace-loving or a warring tradition.

79. A persistent, irrational fear of gay males or lesbians is termed

a) sex discrimination.

b) voyeurism.

c) homophobia.

d) paraphilia.

e) hypophobia.

80. Paraphilia is a(n)

a) overwhelming fear of sexual intercourse.

b) abnormal desire for or preoccupation with sexual intercourse.

c) disorder involving a deviant pattern of sexual attraction.

d) lack of interest in sexual activity.

e) unreasonable fear of homosexuals.

81. Richie gets sexually excited when he wears women's clothes. This is a sign of

a) homosexuality.

b) homophobia.

c) transvestism.

d) androgyny.

e) transsexualism.

82. Fetishism is sexual excitement caused by

a) caressing inanimate objects.

b) wearing clothing of the opposite sex.

c) watching other people engage in sexual activity.

d) exposing one's genitals in public.

e) sexual contact with animals.

83. Edgar likes to "flash" his genitals to unsuspecting women. Edgar's sexual behavior is called

a) fetishism.

b) exhibitionism.

c) voyeurism.

d) masochism.

e) sadism.

84. Among paraphilias, ________ is to show as ________ is to watch.

a) transvestism; voyeurism

b) voyeurism; sadism

c) exhibitionism; voyeurism

d) exhibitionism; sadism

e) voyeurism; exhibitionism

85. Karl is what's commonly described as a "peeping Tom." He likes to watch unsuspecting people disrobe or engage in sexual activity. Karl is a(n)

a) exhibitionist.

b) pedophile.

c) voyeur.

d) masochist.

e) transvestite.

86. Sexual masochism is

a) a preoccupation with masturbation.

b) a desire to experience pain during sexual activity.

c) sexual excitement resulting from viewing pornography.

d) a desire to observe others engaging in sexual behavior.

e) a sexual preoccupation with children.

87. Among paraphilias, experiencing pain is to ________ as inflicting pain is to ________.

a) pedophilia; paraphilia

b) sadism; masochism

c) masochism; sadism

d) fetishism; exhibitionism

e) exhibitionism; voyeurism

88. Regarding the prevalence of paraphilias, they are

a) more common among men than among women.

b) more common among women than among men.

c) equally common among men and women.

d) more common among homosexuals than among heterosexuals.

e) exclusive to homosexuals.

89. In which region of the world has HIV/AIDS had the greatest impact?

a) Eastern Europe

b) The United States

c) South America

d) Sub-Saharan Africa

e) China

90. About how many people worldwide are infected with HIV?

a) 400,000

b) 2,000,000

c) 4,000,000

d) 20,000,000

e) 40,000,000

91. Courtney has a sexually transmitted disease that causes frequent and painful urination. She contracted the disease from an infected sexual partner. It is the most common form of bacterial STD. Which STD does Courtney have?

a) Gonorrhea

b) Syphilis

c) Genital herpes

d) Chlamydia

e) Genital warts

92. What is the most common STD in the United States?


b) HPV

c) Genital herpes

d) Gonorrhea

e) Syphilis

93. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is bacterial?

a) Genital herpes

b) Genital warts

c) Hepatitis


e) Syphilis

94. All of the following sexually transmitted diseases can be treated with antibiotics EXCEPT

a) gonorrhea.

b) genital warts.

c) nongonococcal urethritis.

d) syphilis.

e) chlamydia.

95. Jamie and her husband, Paul, both have had a sexually transmitted disease for several weeks. They have been symptom-free for the most part, but now Jamie experiences a vaginal discharge, painful urination, and lower abdominal pain. Paul has begun having gonorrhea-like symptoms. Which sexually transmitted disease(s) are Jamie and Paul, respectively, experiencing?

a) Syphilis in both

b) Viral hepatitis in both

c) Gonorrhea in Jamie and syphilis in Paul

d) Chlamydia in Jamie and NGU in Paul

e) Genital herpes in both

96. The drug alpha interferon might be used in treating which disease that can be contracted through sexual contact?

a) Hepatitis C

b) Hepatitis A


d) Genital warts

e) Genital herpes

97. After contracting this viral sexually transmitted disease, Felicity is at increased risk for cervical cancer. The STD is

a) genital herpes.

b) viral hepatitis.

c) human papillomavirus (HPV).

d) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

e) nongonococcal urethritis (NGU).

98. Which of the following statements is true regarding the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases?

a) Antiviral drugs are used to eliminate the viruses from the body.

b) There is a vaccine against some types of HPV that can help prevent genital warts and cervical cancer.

c) Spermicides are an effective substitute for latex condoms.

d) Natural condoms offer more reliable protection against HIV than latex condoms.

e) Antibiotics can cure viral forms of STDs, but not bacterial forms.

99. Lisa is afraid of contracting an STD. Therefore, when having sex for the first time with her new partner, Bradley, she took several steps to protect herself. Unfortunately, she placed herself at risk when she

a) asked Bradley to promise that theirs would be an exclusive relationship.

b) questioned Bradley about his personal background.

c) asked Bradley to wear a natural condom.

d) inspected Bradley's sex organ for sores and blisters.

e) asked Bradley to practice safer sex.

100. All of the following may help protect against sexually transmitted diseases EXCEPT

a) having regular medical checkups.

b) avoiding multiple partners.

c) avoiding sexual behavior that results in orgasm.

d) communicating your concerns to your partner.

e) abstinence.

102. Persistent or recurrent problems with sexual interest, arousal, or response are called

a) myotonias.

b) paraphilias.

c) sexually transmitted diseases.

d) sexual response difficulties.

e) sexual dysfunctions.

a) Homosexuality

b) Sexual imposition

c) Sexual aversion disorder

d) Sexual masochism

e) Syphilis

104. Uma experiences the most common sexual problem among women in the United States. What is Uma experiencing?

a) Lack of interest in sex

b) Absence of pleasure during sex

c) Inability to achieve orgasm

d) Premature orgasm

e) Anxiety about sexual performance

105. Approximately what percentage of men report problems achieving or maintaining an erection?

a) 1 to 2 percent

b) 3 to 4 percent

c) 5 to 9 percent

d) 10 to 22 percent

e) 23 to 40 percent

106. Of the following sexual problems, which is actually not a sexual dysfunction, but rather a common feature of sexual dysfunctions among both women and men?

a) Sex not being pleasurable

b) Inability to reach orgasm

c) Lack of interest in sex

d) Anxiety about sexual performance

e) Reaching climax too early

107. Which of the following is true about male orgasmic disorder?

a) It has a prevalence rate of about 25 percent.

b) It is treated with antidepressants such as Zoloft and Paxil.

c) It is characterized by premature ejaculation.

d) It is relatively common.

e) It might be caused by hostility toward one's sexual partner.

108. A low degree or absence of sexual desire is referred to as

a) hyperactive sexual desire disorder.

b) hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

c) asexuality.

d) hyposexuality.

e) sexual arousal disorder.

109. Which of the following statements is true about sexual desire disorders?

a) People with sexual aversion disorder are averse to any form of physical contact.

b) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is one of the least common sexual dysfunctions.

c) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder occurs more often in men than in women.

d) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder is commonly treated with the stop-start method.

e) Sexual aversion disorder may develop in people who were victims of sexual trauma.

110. Sexual aversion disorder is

a) a low degree or absence of sexual desire.

b) sexual desire toward inappropriate objects.

c) an inability to ejaculate.

d) a strong distaste for genital sexual contact.

e) failure to become adequately sexually aroused.

111. Lately when Richard is having sex, he has been having difficulty achieving an erection. When he does have an erection, he often has trouble maintaining it. Richard may have which sexual dysfunction?

a) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder

b) Sexual aversion disorder

c) Male erectile disorder

d) Male orgasmic disorder

e) Paraphilia

112. Caroline goes to a sex therapist because she has recently experienced problems developing adequate vaginal lubrication for intercourse. Caroline's therapist might diagnose her as having

a) hyposexuality.

b) female sexual arousal disorder.

c) sexual aversion disorder.

d) hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

e) female orgasmic disorder.

113. Erectile dysfunction is a type of

a) sexual arousal disorder.

b) orgasmic disorder.

c) sexual desire disorder.

d) atypical sexual variation.

e) sexually transmitted disease.

114. During sexual activity, Cindi has difficulty achieving orgasm, even when she is adequately stimulated. Which sexual dysfunction might Cindi have?

a) Female sexual arousal disorder

b) Frigidity

c) Sexual aversion disorder

d) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder

e) Female orgasmic disorder

115. The most common type of sexual dysfunction in males is

a) erectile disorder.

b) hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

c) premature ejaculation.

d) sexual aversion disorder.

e) male orgasmic disorder.

116. About what percentage of men suffer from premature ejaculation?

a) 10 percent

b) 20 percent

c) 25 percent

d) 30 percent

e) 40 percent

117. Most cases of erectile disorder can be traced to which biological factor?

a) Neurological problems

b) Circulatory problems

c) Respiratory problems

d) Low levels of neurotransmitters

e) Low testosterone levels

118. What is the effect of testosterone on sexual interest?

a) It increases sexual interest in males and females.

b) It increases sexual interest in males and reduces it in females.

c) It increases sexual interest in females and reduces it in males.

d) It has no effect on sexual interest.

e) It reduces sexual interest in females and males.

119. Testosterone is produced by all of the following EXCEPT the

a) testes.

b) ovaries.

c) male adrenal glands.

d) male brain.

e) female adrenal glands

120. Most women and men with sexual dysfunctions have levels of sex hormones that are

a) high.

b) somewhat low.

c) moderately low.

d) very low.

e) normal.

121. Kelsey suffers from female sexual arousal disorder. Instead of feeling sexually aroused and pleased by her fiancé's attention, she feels anxiety and shame. Kelsey was probably raised in which type of setting?

a) Physically or sexually abusive

b) Overly permissive

c) Overly controlling

d) Sexually repressive

e) Overly emotional

122. Which type of anxiety plays a key role in many cases of sexual dysfunction?

a) Generalized anxiety

b) Obsessive-compulsiveness

c) Specific phobia

d) Performance anxiety

e) Anxiety from sexual trauma

123. The sex therapist was teaching Jordan and his wife to assess his "point of no return." Jordan probably has which sexual dysfunction?

a) Male orgasmic disorder

b) Premature ejaculation

c) Sexual aversion disorder

d) Hypoactive sexual desire

e) Male erectile disorder

124. Which of the following statements is true about sex therapy?

a) Sex therapy is a problem-focused strategy.

b) Sex therapy is effective in only a small percentage of cases of sexual dysfunction.

c) Sex therapists tend to use psychodynamic techniques.

d) Sex therapy usually treats the individual, not the couple.

e) Sex therapy is a relatively long-term therapy.

125. Who pioneered the use of sex therapy in treating sexual dysfunctions?

a) Margaret Mead

b) Walter Mischel

c) Sandra Bem

d) Alfred Kinsey

e) William Masters and Virginia Johnson

126. Roger and Marianne see a sex therapist for problems in their sex life resulting from performance anxiety. Their therapist teaches Roger and Marianne sensate-focus exercises. What will these exercises involve?

a) Stimulating each others' genitals to the point of orgasm

b) Stimulating each others' genitals, but preventing orgasm

c) Massaging nongenital areas of each others' bodies

d) Reliving traumatic sexual experiences

e) Directed masturbation

127. Dr. Crane, a psychiatrist and sex therapist, has just prescribed Viagra for one of his patients. That patient is most likely to be

a) Dick, who has a strong aversion to genital contact.

b) Yossi, who is unable to ejaculate.

c) Cliff, who has difficulty achieving or maintaining erections.

d) Bob, whose ejaculations occur before he wishes.

e) Emily, who has female sexual arousal disorder.

128. Fred has hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Which of the following is Fred's therapist most likely to suggest for treatment of his disorder?

a) The stop-start method

b) Viagra

c) Directed masturbation

d) Sensate-focus exercises

e) Testosterone therapy

129. Testosterone therapy is most likely to be used in treating which type of sexual dysfunction?

a) Male orgasmic disorder

b) Male erectile disorder

c) Delayed ejaculation

d) Premature ejaculation

e) Hypoactive sexual desire disorder

130. The drug Viagra produces erections by what mechanism?

a) Removing blockages in blood vessels that serve the penis

b) Increasing sexual drive

c) Relaxing blood vessels in the penis, which enables them to expand.

d) Triggering contractions of orgasmic musculature

e) Stimulating the release of seminal fluid

131. Premature ejaculation may be treated with drugs commonly used to treat

a) schizophrenia.

b) anxiety disorders.

c) depression.

d) obsessive-compulsive disorder.

e) attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

133. Which of the following is the best definition of statutory rape?

a) The use or threat of force to compel a person into having sex

b) Sexual intercourse with an unwilling person under the legal age of consent

c) Sexual coercion involving unwanted sexual attention, demands for sexual favors, or outright physical contact

d) Sexual contact with children

e) Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the legal age of consent, even if the person is a willing participant

134. Five secretaries quit their jobs after being sexually harassed. Which one of them was subjected to sexual bribery on the job?

a) Sheila, whose former boss was always telling obscene jokes around her

b) Cora, whose former boss was constantly patting her on the behind

c) Rhonda, whose former boss was constantly badgering her to go out with him, even though she said she wasn't interested

d) Milly, whose former boss promised to promote her if she agreed to spend a night at a motel with him

e) Betty, whose former boss asked her out on a date and fired her when she turned him down

135. Danica just completed a rape-prevention workshop at her university. Which of the following is one of the suggestions that she might have been taught?

a) List only the initial of your first name on mailboxes and directories.

b) Never approach your car with keys at hand.

c) Avoid taking public transportation on first dates.

d) When driving alone in the car, keep one window open so that you can yell for help if you need to.

e) Do not discuss sexual situations with your date or tell him what you are and are not willing to do.

136. Helen was being sexual harassed at her place of work. She took several steps to stop the harassment. The one thing she did WRONG was to

a) meet with the harasser in private to ask him to stop.

b) keep a record of all the incidents.

c) complain to her supervisor.

d) consult a lawyer concerning possible legal actions.

e) act in a courteous but businesslike manner toward the harasser.

137. The most common form of sexual harassment is

a) sexual imposition.

b) sexual bribery.

c) gender harassment.

d) seductive behavior.

e) sexual coercion.

138. Sexual insults, obscene jokes and humor, and offensive graffiti are examples of

a) sexual bribery.

b) gender harassment.

c) sexual coercion.

d) sexual imposition.

e) seductive behavior.

139. Joanne finds one of her female students very attractive. Joanne frequently asks her to dinner at her home for a meal and "whatever else she might find desirable." Joanne's behavior may best be described as

a) sexual imposition.

b) gender harassment.

c) sexual coercion.

d) seductive behavior.

e) sexual bribery.

140. Colonel Thompson suggests that he might recommend Captain Tvarcek for a promotion if she accompanies him to Venice on an R and R (rest and recreation) visit. Thompson's behavior may best be described as

a) sexual bribery.

b) sexual coercion.

c) sexual imposition.

d) seductive behavior.

e) gender harassment.

141. Which of the following statistics about rape is true?

a) The incidence of rape in the United States is lower than that in Canada, Great Britain, or Japan.

b) Estimates are that 15 to 25 percent of women in the United States are raped at some point in their lives.

c) The federal government estimates that there are 36,000 rapes annually in the United States.

d) The majority of rapes are committed against women in the 24-to-36-year age range.

e) Approximately 3 percent of married women are raped by their husbands.

142. About what proportion of rape survivors are male?

a) 1 in 10,000

b) 1 in 1,000

c) 1 in 100

d) 1 in 10

e) 1 in 5

143. Regarding sexual harassment, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a) Men tend to perceive a wider range of behaviors as sexual harassment than do women.

b) In almost all cases of sexual harassment, women are harassed and men are the harassers.

c) The great majority of women who experience sexual harassment do no

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[Solved] PSYC Psychology Chapter 11 answers complete solutions for any quiz and exam

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PSYC Psychology Chapter 11 answers complete solutions for any quiz and exam If you find any question here in your quiz or exam, then download this. You can find every answers for your quiz or exam and get A+ grade. 1. When Olivia's baby is born the doctor says, "It's a girl." Based on the definitions in the text, to which concept is the doctor referring? a) Gender role b) Sex c) Sex role d) Sex identity e) Gender 2. Gender is to ________ as sex is to ________. a) XX; XY b) genetic; biological c) biological; genetic d) biological; psychosocial e) psychosocial; biological 3. In a particular society, men are expected to provide protection and monetary support, whereas women are expected to tend to the home and children. These expectations reflect what for females and males in the society? a) Gender identities b) Gender roles c) Gender rules d) Sex roles e) Sex rules 4. The psychological experience of being female or male is called one's a) gender role. b) gender identity. c) gender. d) gender awareness. e) sex. 5. In many societies, men are expected to be more aggressive and women are expected to be more nurturing. This reflects differences at the level of a) gender. b) sex. c) gender identity. d) gender roles. e) gender assignment. 6. Four-year-old Pedro knows that he is male. Pedro's psychological experiences of being a male are best described as his a) gender. b) gender role. c) gender identity. d) gender congruence. e) gender stereotype. 7. By what age is William likely to have acquired a firm sense of being male? a) at birth b) by one year of age c) by three years of age d) by seven years of age e) by puberty 8. Regarding the development of gender identity, which of the following statements is true? a) Chromosomal patterns determine one's gender identity, but not necessarily one's biological sex. b) Gender identity is often not consistent with one's chromosomal sex. c) Most scientists believe that gender identity involves a complex interaction between nature and nurture. d) It is impossible to have the gender identity of one gender and the chromosomal sex and sexual organs of the other gender. e) Gender identity is fully determined before birth. 9. The fact that individuals born with ambiguous genital structures develop a gender identity consistent with the way in which they are raised (regardless of genetic sex) suggests that a) gender identity is not completely biologically determined. b) gender identity remains malleable until puberty. c) gender identity is established at birth. d) biology has the strongest influence on gender identity. e) nature triumphs over nurture. 10. Edward is a transsexual, which means that a) he represents a rare form of homosexuality. b) he has mixed genital structures. c) his sex and gender identity are in conflict. d) his gender identity is ambiguous. e) he likes to dress in women's clothes. 11. Renee feels that she is "a man trapped in a woman's body." Despite a genetic makeup of XY and female genitalia, Renee has a male gender identity. What is Renee experiencing? a) Homosexuality b) Transsexualism c) Hermaphroditism d) Psychosis e) Transvestism 12. Which of the following statements is true about transsexualism? a) Transsexuals are defined as people who have sex-change operations. b) The major feature of transsexualism is dissatisfaction with one's biological sex. c) Everyone who cross-dresses is transsexual. d) Transsexualism is just a form of homosexuality. e) Scientists suspect that the causes of transsexualism are mainly environmental. 13. Jerry, a male, is about to have gender reassignment surgery in order to become Geraldine, a female. What is one thing that he can expect when he becomes a she? a) That, after the surgery, she will not need to take hormones b) That she will have ovaries c) That she will be able to get pregnant d) That she will be able to participate in heterosexual intercourse with males e) That the surgery will give her breasts 14. Gender roles are a) fixed, conventional views of "masculine" and "feminine" behavior. b) determined by chromosomal patterns. c) cultural expectations imposed on women and men to behave in ways deemed appropriate for their gender. d) directions of erotic attraction and romantic interest. e) psychological feelings of maleness or femaleness. 15. Fixed, conventional views regarding masculinity and femininity are referred to as a) gender ideals. b) gender roles. c) gender identities. d) gender-role stereotypes. e) sexual norms. 16. All of the following are part of the female gender-role stereotype in American culture EXCEPT a) dependency. b) assertiveness. c) patience. d) kindness. e) submissiveness. 17. A male born into American culture will probably be encouraged to be all of the following EXCEPT a) nurturing. b) independent. c) dominant. d) protective. e) tough. 18. That gender roles are changing in the United States is suggested by which of the following facts? a) Relatively few women are computer programmers or stock brokers. b) Women are more likely to be responsible for household care and management. c) Women provide the majority of care for children. d) TV and movies continue to portray men as leaders and women as subordinates. e) Some women command naval vessels and pilot military helicopters. 19. The social-cognitive theory of gender identity suggests that gender identity a) is innate. b) represents a process of cultural adaptation. c) results from observing others and receiving reinforcement for gender-appropriate behaviors. d) occurs in a nonsystematic fashion. e) is an effort to make behaviors consistent with gender schemas. 20. Which of the following demonstrates that gender-role expectations have NOT changed enough? a) The fact that girls these days are encouraged to follow any career path that appeals to them b) The fact that girls are participating in sports more than at any previous time c) The fact that male college students still expect women to take care of the house and kids d) The fact that there are many fathers who do their share of household tasks e) The fact that more mothers work outside the home than stay at home 21. According to cross-cultural research on gender-role stereotypes, which of the following is true? a) Chinese college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than American college students. b) American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than Chinese college students. c) Male Chinese and American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than female Chinese and American college students. d) Female Chinese and American college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than male Chinese and American college students. e) Male American and female Chinese college students have more stereotypical views of gender roles than female American and male Chinese college students. 22. Children are aware of gender schemas by about what age? a) One year b) Eighteen months c) Three years d) Five years e) Eight years 23. The social-cognitive explanation of development of gender-typed behavior is associated with which researcher(s)? a) Sandra Bem b) William Masters and Virginia Johnson c) Albert Bandura and Walter Mischel d) Jeffrey Arnett e) Margaret Mead 24. Gender-schema theory stresses the importance of what in gender identity development? a) Cognitive factors b) Genetic factors c) Hormonal factors d) Brain structures e) Cultural influences 25. A way of organizing knowledge about the world in terms of masculinity and femininity is a a) gender role. b) gender identity. c) gender schema. d) gender value. e) gender-linked representation. 26. Which of the following parents are going against traditional gender roles? a) Joe and Jen, who gave their daughter a completely furnished dollhouse b) Ken and Kate, who gave their son a superman action figure c) Lou and Lynn, who encourage their daughter to be tough on the soccer field d) Max and May, who encourage their son to hold back tears when he gets hurt e) Niles and Noreen, who gave their daughter a doll that wets her diaper 27. According to evolutionary theory, stereotypical gender roles evolved from the traditional roles of women as ________ and men as ________. a) nursers; medicine men b) warriors; nurturers c) nurturers; warriors d) gatherers; hunters e) followers; leaders 28. Evidence that males are more aggressive than females is borne out by all of the following statements EXCEPT: a) Boys are more likely than girls to get into trouble for fighting. b) Violent sexual offenders are almost exclusively male. c) Boys show more relational aggression than girls. d) Prisons are mostly populated with men who have committed violent crimes. e) Boys' play is typically more competitive, active, and aggressive than girls' play. 29. Which type of aggression, if any, are females more likely than males to display? a) Physical aggression b) Relational aggression c) Aggressive play d) Overt aggression e) None. Males show higher levels than females on all types of aggression. 30. Carol and Darrell are twins. Other factors being equal, which pattern is predicted for their behavior? a) Carol and Darrell are equally likely to be physically aggressive. b) Darrell and Carol are equally likely to engage in relational aggression. c) Darrell is more likely than Carole to use physical and relational aggression. d) Carol is more likely than Darrell to use physical and relational aggression. e) Darrell is more likely to use physical aggression, whereas Carol is more likely to use relational aggression. 31. Which of the following statements is true about the possible relationship between testosterone levels and aggression? a) There is no relationship between testosterone levels and aggression. b) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in men, but not in women. c) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in women, but not in men. d) Higher testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in both women and men. e) Lower testosterone levels are associated with higher levels of aggression in women, and higher levels of testosterone are associated with higher levels of aggression in men. 32. Whose research suggests that gender roles may have more to do with societal adaptation to environmental demands than to biological demands? a) Albert Bandura b) Sandra Bem c) Walter Mischel d) Alfred Kinsey e) Margaret Mead 33. Which of the following statements is true regarding gender identity? a) Sociocultural theorists emphasize that women and men are genetically predisposed to certain gender-typed traits because these traits have adaptive value for the species. b) According to gender-schema theory, children develop mental representations of femininity and masculinity and then begin to act in ways consistent with their schemas. c) Research on androgyny suggests that masculinity and femininity are opposite poles on a single continuum. d) The evolutionary perspective focuses on the roles of observational learning and reinforcement in the development of gender-typed behavior. e) Social-cognitive theorists emphasize that gender roles represent cultural adaptations that have help societies adapt to environmental demands...
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