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Explain the ethical dilemma that it face

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Analysis of Personal and Organizational Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations:

You are an ethnographic researcher writing an article for a popular organizational behavior research journal. Your purpose is to identify key problems related to business ethics in a Not-for-Profit and For- Profit organization. In this potential article please complete the following activities:

1.     Outline the company profile of the not for profit company you chose to analyze (consult the week #2 journal for the information you should include).  Explain the ethical dilemma that it faced or is currently facing.  Analyze the way that it responded to this ethical dilemma and outline the legal, social, or political outcomes that emerged after the actions were taken..

2.     Outline the company profile of the for profit company you chose to analyze (consult the week #2 journal for the information you should include).  Explain the ethical dilemma that it faced or is currently facing.  Analyze the way that it responded to this ethical dilemma and outline the legal, social, or political outcomes that emerged after the actions were taken.

3.     In part three of your paper, please provide your personal reflections on the ethical actions that were taken in relation to the problem.  Evaluate those actions from your own ethical standpoint.  Use these questions to inspire your analysis: Did the company respond in a morally responsible way?  Did the company respond in a morally irresponsible way?  Did the company create the ethical dilemma or was the dilemma the outcome of an unforeseen force?  Could the company have done more?  Who was responsible for the problem and how could it have been prevented?

o    Remember that when you analyze something you should present logical reasoning and factual evidence to support your position.  Do not merely answer these questions using simplistic yes and no answers.  Instead, you should always support your position with logical argumentation and evidence that explains why you believe what you believe.

4.     In part 4 of your paper please create a critique of the actions of these companies based on two of the philosophical theories that you studied earlier in the course (deontology, utilitarianism, egoism, virtue ethics, moral relativism).  Determine which moral theory the company appears to be abiding by in relation to this issue.  Explain the attributes of the decision that make you believe that this is the ethical perspective of the company.  If you agree with the ethical theory of the company, explain why this is the best ethical position on the issue.  If you do not, explain which ethical position would be better to utilize in this situation and why you believe that this position is better. Here are some sample questions to guide your thinking:

o    Which ethical theory did the company use in making its decision?  Was it the best?  Why or why not?

o    Which ethical theory should the company have used?  Why?

o    What is the ideal relationship between bad or suffering and profit?

o    What does it mean to run an ethical business?

o    What is the best way for a company to maintain its competitive edge and contribute to overall good or happiness in relation to its workers and customers?

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$ 10.00

[Solved] Explain the ethical dilemma that it face

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  • Submitted On 23 Jan, 2016 08:37:21
Answer posted by
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