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C489SATtask2.docx C489 SAT task 2: RCA and FEMA WGU C489 SAT task 2 A.Explain the ge

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C489SATtask2.docx    C489 SAT task 2: RCA and FEMA  WGU  C489 SAT task 2  A.Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA).  1.Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.  2. Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing      factors that led to the sentinel event outcome  A Root Cause Analysis RCA) is done to identify what went wrong and how to prevent the error from happening again, this isnt a problem that was caused by negligence or willful harm.   There are 6 steps, according to the IHI, to completing a RCA:   1)Identify what happened: This seems easy enough, but the event really needs to be analyzed. Teams of 4 to 6 people need to be formed, sometimes including patients and family members, but always consisting of all the people involved as well as individuals in all levels of the organization. The team also needs support from all levels. ("IHI RCA summary sheet," n.d.).    Scenario:  Mr. B. came to a rural ED (a 6 room ED) with leg pain after tripping over his dog. He presents with pain (10/10) in his left leg with shortening of the leg, edema in his left calf, ecchymosis and limited ROM. His vital signs are within normal limits except for his respirations which are elevated (could be due to pain). He is admitted to the ED with a past medical history that includes chronic back pain, elevated cholesterol and impaired glucose tolerance. He is currently taking atorvastatin (for his cholesterol) and oxyc

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[Solved] C489SATtask2.docx C489 SAT task 2: RCA and FEMA WGU C489 SAT task 2 A.Explain the ge

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  • Submitted On 31 Jul, 2022 04:21:16
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C489SATtask2.docx C489 SAT task 2: RCA and FEMA WGU C489 SAT task 2 A.Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA). 1.Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI. 2. Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome A Root Cause A...
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