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C489SATTask1.docx C489 SAT Task 1 WGU 43918 C489 SAT Task 1 A) Nursing Quality Indi

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C489SATTask1.docx    C489 SAT Task 1  WGU  43918  C489 SAT Task 1  A) Nursing Quality Indicators are standardized guidelines to help ensure that all patients are taken care of in a way that respects who the patient is as well as what is best for them. Nursing Indicators reflect 3 aspects of nursing care: structure, process indicators and nursing staff. The indicators that apply to hospital-based nursing include pain management, pressure ulcers and overall care. ("Nursing sensitive indicators," 2011) In the scenario, it seemed to me, that none of the nurses were practicing quality nursing, nor were they paying attention to the indicators that were affecting the patient. Though restraining patients is not one of the quality indicators, it is part of his overall care and because the patient was restrained, he developed a pressure ulcer on his back. The CNA didnt really look at it and brushed it off. By ignori

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[Solved] C489SATTask1.docx C489 SAT Task 1 WGU 43918 C489 SAT Task 1 A) Nursing Quality Indi

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  • Submitted On 15 May, 2021 05:52:22
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C489SATTask1.docx C489 SAT Task 1 WGU 43918 C489 SAT Task 1 A) Nursing Quality Indicators are standardized guidelines to help ensure that all patients are taken care of in a way that respects who the patient is as well as w...
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C489SATTask1.docx C489 SAT Task 1 WGU 43918 C489 SAT Task 1 A) Nursing Quality Indi

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