Discuss the psychological, sociological, economic and theological philosophical Week 3 Di
- From Economics, General Economics

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Discuss the psychological, sociological, economic and theological philosophical Week 3 Discussion 1 GRO410 The Funeral Discuss the psychological, sociological, economic and theological philosophical aspects of the funeral process. How do each of these aspects facilitate the resolution of grief? The psychological aspect of the funeral process suggest that all cultures have some sort of funeral and bereavement ritual that suggest the end of life (death) and use socially supported behaviors of the mourning. This practice is extremely diverse (Romanoff, 1998). For instance, in the U.S. there is not a national prescribes mourning ritual or a proper mourning ritual. Most rituals in some cases manage grief resolution. This is because the focus on transition shifts the grieving process away from assisting individuals to keep a connection to the deceased (Romanoff, 1998). Rituals can be private or publicly enacted. Private rituals contain societal constructed meanings. Ritual ultimately provide paths for expression of containment of strong emotions. It is a repetitive and prescribed nature lessens feelings of anxiety and impotence, provide structure and order at times of disorder (Romanoff, 1998). Rituals may act as healing properties. Bereavement can transition from life to death and the social status of the bereaved are changed from one social status to another. The sociological aspect of the funeral process in San Francisco-Chinatown, California is that on Stockton Street where there are outside markets and people and tourist get a view of bands play
[Solved] Discuss the psychological, sociological, economic and theological philosophical Week 3 Di
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- Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 05:23:50

- Termpaper
- Rating : 3
- Grade : B
- Questions : 0
- Solutions : 15254
- Blog : 0
- Earned : $2452.10

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