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Nurses.docx 1.Discuss the major issues facing nurses today. Entrusted with the sick an

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Nurses.docx    1.Discuss the major issues facing nurses today.  Entrusted with the sick and the dying, individuals employed in the medical field are generally considered highly regarded professionals tasked with a difficult job. However, there are some people in this industry that are often overlooked and can be underappreciated; nurses. These experts include nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and psychiatric nurses. While the nursing profession can be very rewarding, intellectually challenging and meaningful, it has become evident that there are many disadvantages to this occupation as well. The root cause of the issue results from the unfavourable working environment that nurses endure throughout their careers.   One of the main contributing factors to an unfavourable working environment is the heavy workload experienced by nurses. If you have ever been a visitor to the emergency room in a hospital, you have probably experienced very long wait times. This is due to the constant need of hospital care where there are always people who require medical attention, and thus the demand of nurses (and doctors) never ceases. Yet the emergency department is just one part of the hospitals, and other units such as the critical care unit, neonatal units, etc., are in constant demand as well. This causes nurses to work extremely long shifts, sometimes up to12 hours a day or night, which can be incredibly taxing on them mentally and physically, and cause them to lack a w

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Nurses.docx 1.Discuss the major issues facing nurses today. Entrusted with the sick an

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  • Submitted On 04 Sep, 2022 06:26:28
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Nurses.docx 1.Discuss the major issues facing nurses today. Entrusted with the sick and the dying, individuals employed in the medical field are generally considered highly regarded professionals tasked with a difficult job. However, there are some people in this industry that are often overlooked and can be underappreciated; nurses. These experts include nurse practition...
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