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IT283 Unit_3_Assignment.docx 1.Ethernet II frame type is the standard frame type used for

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IT283 Unit_3_Assignment.docx  1.Ethernet II frame type is the standard frame type used for IP datagram transmission over Ethernet networks since Windows 2000 or later. Ethernet II uses a protocol identification field (the Type field) of 0x0800 to identify the encapsulated protocol as IP. If it has a value of 0x86dd then it is refereeing to IPv6. The minimum Ethernet frame size is 64 bytes while the maximum is 1,518 bytes. The differences between Ethernet II and Ethernet 802.2 LLC are as followed. Ethernet II is made up of 6 fields which are Preamble, Destination Address field, Source Address field, Type field, Data field, and Frame Check Sequence field. Ethernet 802.2 is made up of 10 fields which are Preamble, Start Frame Delimiter field, Length field, Destination Service Access Point, Source Service Access Point, Control Field, Destination Address, Source Address, Data, and Frame Check Sequence.  2  Protocol  Function  Point-to-Point (PPP)  General purpose protocol that provides WAN data link encapsulation services similar to those available for LAN encapsulations.   High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC)  Used to connect point to point serial devices. HDLC performs error correction.  Frame-Relay  Creates private network through a carriers network. This is done with permanent virtual circuits (PVC).  3  4  5.IPv4 is widely used in data communication over several kinds of networks it is based on the best-effort model, which does not guarantee delivery nor avoidance of a duplicate delivery and is used by the

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[Solved] IT283 Unit_3_Assignment.docx 1.Ethernet II frame type is the standard frame type used for

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  • Submitted On 22 Sep, 2022 01:41:18
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IT283 Unit_3_Assignment.docx 1.Ethernet II frame type is the standard frame type used for IP datagram transmission over Ethernet networks since Windows 2000 or later. Ethernet II uses a protocol identification field (the Type field) of 0x0800 to identify the encapsulated protocol as IP. If it has a value of 0x86dd then it is refereeing to IPv6. The minimum Ethernet frame size is...
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