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ResearchProjectOneResp.doc An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Adv Auditing Theory and

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ResearchProjectOneResp.doc    An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi  Adv Auditing Theory and Application  43856  An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi  The History of Coca Cola  Coca Cola is considered one of the pioneers of the drinks and beverages industry in the US. The formula was first created in 1886 by John Pemberton, a pharmacist by profession. He invented the formula which was unique and with no competition in the whole country. In 1889, the unique formula was bought by Asa Candler, who went ahead and incorporated the company in the early 1890s (About us, 2019). Fast forward to 1916, the incorporated company was now able to manufacture a line of its famous bottle that has remained its signature bottle ever since. Robert Woodruff, the company™s CEO in 1920s, focused on the expansion of the company to the overseas and introduced the brand to the Olympics in 1928. It became known to many people and by 1950, the brand was popular not only in the US, but also other areas and regions such as South America (About us, 2019). Following the growing strength of the brand, the company decided to broaden the product portfolio and introduced new flavors in the 1960s such as Fanta, Fresca, and Sprite. The goal was to reach a bigger market and experience a higher level of customer satisfaction. This move was followed by the acquisition of Minute Maid which was entirely a new line of business.  The 1980s saw major changes at the company. Innovation was rapid and new products such as Diet Coke were introduced which be

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[Solved] ResearchProjectOneResp.doc An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Adv Auditing Theory and

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  • Submitted On 05 Aug, 2022 11:13:23
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ResearchProjectOneResp.doc An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Adv Auditing Theory and Application 43856 An Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi The History of Coca Cola Coca Cola is considered one of the pioneers of the drinks and beverages industry in the US. The formula was first created in 1886 by John Pemberton, a pharmacist by profession. He invented the formula which was...
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