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PLST 350 Discussion Board 4

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You have already considered the massive amount of wealth held by corporations.  In light of that, is the business judgment rule too lenient on corporate managers (officers and directors)?  What is the purpose of a business corporation anyway, and does it further that purpose and if so how?  Is the business judgment rule consistent with a Christian worldview?

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[Solved] PLST 350 Discussion Board 4

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  • Submitted On 18 Jan, 2022 11:01:23
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
The business judgment rule says that officers and directors are not to be held liable for honest mistakes made in the course of business. Angela Schneeman, Law of Corporations and the Other Business Organization, 9-2a (6th ed. 2017). If the wrong decision was made in good faith, or if an individual was not involved in the decision, if the decision was sufficiently informed, or if there was genuine belief that the action was for the betterment of the corporation, even if those decisions lead to the detriment of the corporation the individual is not on the hook for his or her behavior. Id. I ...
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