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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection. Complete Study Guide.

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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection. Complete Study Guide.

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[Solved] N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection. Complete Study Guide.

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  • Submitted On 07 Oct, 2021 02:23:58
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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection Core Concepts Objectives with Advanced Organizers IMMUNE SYSTEM: FIVE TYPES The first four types are all ADAPTIVE  Cell-Mediated immunity  Humoral immunity  Acquired immunity (you may see it written as Active Acquired immunity)  Passive Acquired immunity {both natural & artificial} = (borrowed immunity)  Natural immunity (innate response/ genetic immunity, not from previous exposure, includes the Inflammation process and NK cells)  NK-cell=Natural killer cells= part of the Innate/Natural immune system, *in lecture and outline* They come from the lymphoid stem cell line, like regular T & B cells and are considered a T-cell type, but don’t differentiate further to become specific for any one antigen. They kill via cell lysis or apoptosis without the need for specific antigen receptors (more info later in notes)  Killer T-cells=Cytotoxic-cells, Tc (Cytotoxic-cells is what Dr. G labeled them on the organizer) These are in lecture and Organizer also. NOTE TO SELF ** NKT-cells=hybrid of the other two (not in lecture or outline) WHO CARES, don’t get confused Natural/Innate immunity (from book table 7-1 page 192) SKIP Not part of Dr. G outline or objectives The first line of Defenses  Occurs constantly (through our natural physical barriers like skin)  Book calls it Broadly specific aka, not specific!  No memory  Uses Epithelia cells (like skin) Peptides involved:  Defensins,  cathelicidins,  colectins,  lactoferrin,  bacterial toxins Protective factors include:  Cytokines, lysosomes  Low stomach PH  Low Urine Ph  Ciliary activity  Skin, mucous membranes Second line: Inflammation:* Immediate*  Broadly specific “Aka is Broadly activated by most anything, Damage to cell or a...
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