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Imagine you are standing beside some tram tracks

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Online Tutor Profile

1.Imagine you are standing beside some tram tracks. In the distance, you spot a runaway trolley hurtling down the tracks towards five workers who cannot hear it coming. Even if they do spot it, they won’t be able to move out of the way in time. As this disaster looms, you glance down and see a lever connected to the tracks. You realise that if you pull the lever, the tram will be diverted down a second set of tracks away from the five unsuspecting workers. However, down this side track is one lone worker, just as oblivious as his colleagues. So, would you pull the lever, leading to one death but saving five? Case 1 • the five men on the main track are your worst nightmares in the office and the other person in other track is your friend. o will this change your decision? 2.Imagine you are standing on a footbridge above the tram tracks. You can see the runaway trolley hurtling towards the five unsuspecting workers, but there’s no lever to divert it. However, there is large man standing next to you on the footbridge. You’re confident that his bulk would stop the tram in its tracks. So, would you push the man on to the tracks, sacrificing him in order to stop the tram and thereby saving five others? Case 2 • the fat man at the bridge beside you has committed several acts of sexual harassment and has victimized several ordinary employees in your workplace. o will this change your decision?

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$ 15.00

[Solved] Imagine you are standing beside some tram tracks

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  • Submitted On 23 Sep, 2020 01:50:43
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
1.Imagine you are standing beside some tram tracks. In the distance, you spot a runaway trolley hurtling down the tracks towards five workers who cannot hear it coming. Even if they do spot it, they won’t be able to move out of the way in time. As this disaster looms, you glance down and see a lever connected to the tracks. You realise that if you pu...
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