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Imagine you have just completed your CSU-Global coursework and are planning t

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Imagine you have just completed your CSU-Global coursework and are planning to attend commencement in Denver. You skillfully used time-management to overcome the obstacles and challenges presented by other responsibilities to successfully complete your program. With this vision in mind, you are asked to give a short presentation at the commencement ceremony to describe your journey, your future, and to thank the individuals who helped you achieve this goal. Who do you want to be? Tell your story:

Start by preparing a Mindmap to help outline your story (the Mindmap will be part or your submitted portfolio project).

  1. Consider some of the module topics in this course as branches for your Mindmap.
    • Module 1: Your use of time management personally and professionally
    • Module 2: Your traits of leadership
    • Module 3: Your power to influence
    • Module 4: Your leadership style
    • Module 5: Your use ethical communication to influence
  2. Consider what would to say to your colleagues, CSU-Global faculty, friends, and family as you look back on your journey.
  3. Describe who you want to be. (MAKE THIS ABOUT BECOMING A PROJECT MANAGER)

This project is your story.

Prepare your written speech addressing all the points mentioned in the instructions. Your speech should be prepared in APA format with citations and references, as required. Include the written speech and a graphic of the Mindmap you used for this project.

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$ 20.00

[Solved] Imagine you have just completed your CSU-Global coursework and are planning t

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  • Submitted On 08 Sep, 2019 10:05:22
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Imagine you have just completed your CSU-Global coursework and are planning to attend commencement in Denver. You skillfully used time-management to overcome the obstacles and challenges presented by other responsibilities to successfully complete your program. With this vision in mind, you are asked to give a short presentation at the commencement cere...
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