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MGT 435 Week 2 Quiz

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MGT 435 Week 2 Quiz


1. Which of the following is NOT among the five purposes of organizational models, according to Burke? (Points : 1)

        to highlight the clear distinctions between culture, structure, and strategy

        to reduce complexity

        to provide a common language and vocabulary

        to offer a sequence of activities that can be followed



Question 2. 2. In the organizational life-cycle model,

growth through delegationtypically occurs when __________. (Points : 1)

        more organizational functions are outsourced to foreign counties

        less organizational functions are outsourced to foreign countries

        managers and employees are given more responsibility

        managers and employees are given less responsibility



Question 3. 3. Under what category does “external stakeholders” fit when diagnosing types of change and level of intervention? (Points : 1)







Question 4. 4. Which of the following businesses did the author discuss at length to showcase the strengths of the appreciative inquiry model? (Points : 1)

        Santa Ana Star Casino

        Hewlett Packard






Question 5. 5. Of all the nine action research phases, which is considered to be the “go” phase? (Points : 1)

        present feedback to the client

        collect data


        identify the problem or opportunity



Question 6. 6. First-order (adaptive) changes are __________. (Points : 1)


        large, sweeping, and fundamental

        long term and irreversible

        small scale and incremental



Question 7. 7. The appreciative inquiry model begins by __________. (Points : 1)

        asking where the locus of the problem lies

        initiating a historical analysis of competitors who have experienced similar problems

        asking “what is possible” and “what do we wish to achieve”

        creating a sense of urgency



Question 8. 8. Which of the following would increase an individual’s or group’s inclination to support change? (Points : 1)

        mistrust of an organization’s leadership

        authoritarian attitudes

        trust in an organization’s leadership

        threats to one’s status






Question 9. 9. Which organizational change model stresses the importance of applying a historical analysis of changes that have occurred over the course of a company’s development? (Points : 1)

        the systems contingency model

        the environment-industry-organization contingency model

        the organizational life-cycle model

        the resource dependency theory



Question 10. 10. Which of the following is an especially critical factor for diagnosing, planning, and implementing organizational change? (Points : 1)

        the expertise and experience of the organization’s legal staff

        the expertise and experience of the organization’s leaders, managers, and change specialists

        the expertise and experience of the leaders of competing organizations

        the change model the organization selects



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$ 7.49

[Solved] MGT 435 Week 2 Quiz

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  • Submitted On 20 Aug, 2020 10:46:11
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
MGT 435 Week 2 Quiz 1. Which of the following is NOT among the five purposes of organizational models, according to Burke? (Points : 1) to highlight the clear distinctions between culture, structure, and strategy to reduce complexity to provide a common language and vocabulary ...
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