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MKT 571 WEEK 5 Tory Burch- A Fashion Label

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—Select a current product with which you are familiar, and pitch a new IntegratedMarketing Communication plan (IMC) to your client. Create a MicrosoftPowerPoint presentation of 8-10 slides that includesthe following components:

—• Identify any considerations you will need to employ to build and

— maintain the brand and customer loyalty.

—• Create a print ad and a video broadcast for the product featuring

— your new strategy (Youtube TM, video, or power point storyboard isacceptable).

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$ 15.00

[Solved] MKT 571 WEEK 5 Tory Burch- A Fashion Label

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  • Submitted On 21 Aug, 2017 11:57:33
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MKT 571 WEEK 5 Tory Burch- A Fashion LabelMKT 571 WEEK 5 Tory Burch- A Fashion LabelMKT 571 WEEK 5 Tory Burch- A Fashion LabelMKT 571 WE...
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