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Measles Outbreak in Wales: Investigation Report

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Assessment One – Outbreak Investigation Report


An outbreak investigation report should be submitted in the second term (2,500 words). A report will be made available on the Moodle page of the module by end of term 1.

Further details on the module site on Moodle, there will be a class workshop in which discussion about the assignment will occur.






A.           Introduction

[A brief summary of the outbreak/setting the scene for the reader. In this section preferably signpost the reader so they are clear about what to expect from the report that they are about to read]


B.           Background

[Briefly describe- when the outbreak occurred; how the outbreak was discovered; where or what sources (e.g. foods) were implicated.]


C.           Investigation of the outbreak (this is the section where critical appraisal will be assessed) [Highlight some epidemiological, environmental and microbiological aspects]


1.    Confirm that this is really an outbreak

·         First critically discuss the definition of outbreak using different sources of literature.

·         Critically discuss whether the case discussed in the report was an outbreak or not.

·         How was the outbreak discovered, and when?

·         Was there a surveillance system in place in the setting where the outbreak was discovered?


2.    Critically discuss what a case definition is and put together a case definition that may include the person, place, and time and also the symptoms. Discuss if this is the definitive case definition or not.


3.    Critically describe cases; what sort of outbreak is this? Write about any informationabout the incubation period, age and gender of cases?


4.    Put together a hypothesis on the likely source and vehicle associated with the outbreak, how did you understand this to be the source?


5.    Test hypothesis usually case/control study including Odds ratio. How the controls are were recruited? (If needed or given)


6.    What other information might be used to confirm the hypothesis? E.g. sampling of environment and/or food.



D.           Discussion and conclusion


E.           Lessons learned and recommendations


1.    You will have to write your own lessons learned and recommendations by consulting sources of literature.


Available Answer
$ 36.00

[Solved] Measles Outbreak in Wales: Investigation Report

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  • Submitted On 26 Jan, 2017 05:46:27
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
A. Introduction A disease outbreak is defined as the occurrence of disease cases in excess of the usually and normally expected in an area, defined community, or season. Thus, an outbreak may happen in a restricted area, or may even extend over many areas such as countries. Additionally, the outbreak may be for only few days or successive weeks, or sometimes for several years. Beginni...
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Measles Outbreak in Wales: Investigation Report

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