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Supporting Students with Potential Reading Disabilities

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Using the topic Resources and your own research, create a 500-750 word FAQ document. The document should clarify what teachers should do if screening assessment results indicate there is a potential learning disability by addressing the following: What are two disabilities that may affect a child’s reading ability? What are five warning signs that a student may have a reading disability? Identify at least one screening assessment that could be used in each grade band (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). In a brief summary, cite research supporting the use of the tool and present the pros and cons of implementing it. What data is collected to determine a reading disability or risk of reading disability and how the data is analyzed? When should a more detailed, comprehensive assessment be considered? What is the role of RTI strategies in assisting students and determining the need for additional testing and intervention? What are five programs and/or resources to support students with indications of a reading disability? What teacher training is necessary to ensure student reading needs are being met in the classroom?

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$ 20.00

[Solved] Supporting Students with Potential Reading Disabilities

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  • Submitted On 21 Aug, 2023 06:54:48
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Using the topic Resources and your own research, create a 500-750 word FAQ document. The document should clarify what teachers should do if screening assessment results indicate there is a potential learning disability by addressing the following: What are two disabilities that ...
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