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Network forensics or network scanning paper

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Please use the UC Library resources or Google Scholar to search for scholarly articles concerning network forensics or network scanning.In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must summarize the article and state your opinion of what occurred and what could steps could had been done differently if any. Remember to cite your references using APA style. This assignment is to help you come attain the MSDF's Program Learning Outcomes as stated on the syllabus at page one.Please, summarize the article and answer the following questions, or others, as applicable:

  1. Do you agree with the article's position, approaches, and authors? Why, or why not?
  2. What could have been done if anything that could improve on the incident?
  3. What should have been done?
  4. Was proper procedure used in your opinion?
  5. Could you include anything else concerning the article?

Prepare a report that answers all the questions. This report should be no less than 10 pages of content. You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. You must have at least 10 references, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles. In addition to the 10 pages of content, you will want a title page and a reference sheet. This report needs to be in proper APA format.All written reports should be submitted in MS Word. The paper submission will use SafeAssign. Please ensure to use the proper APA citations

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$ 30.00

[Solved] network forensics or network scanning paper

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  • Submitted On 11 Aug, 2023 09:03:10
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Please use the UC Library resources or Google Scholar to search for scholarly articles concerning network forensics or network scanning.In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must summarize the article and state your opinion of what occurred and what could steps could had been done differently if any. Remember to cite your references usi...
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