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The Social Network for Collaborative Decision Making

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Online Tutor Profile

Write a research paper in APA format on a subject of your choosing that is related to Business Intelligence.  Integrate what you have learned from the course resources (.e.g. Textbook Readings, Discussion Board Posts, Chapter Presentations) into your document.

As you consider the topic for your research paper, try and narrow the subject down to a manageable issue.  Search for academic journal articles (i.e. peer reviewed) and other sources related to your selected subject.  Because this is a research paper, you must be sure to use proper APA format citations.  

Your paper must include an introduction stating what you paper is about and a logical conclusion.

This paper must contain a minimum of 1500 words of content and use at least 5 peer reviewed sources.  Peer reviewed sources include:  Academic Journal Articles, Textbooks, and Government Documents.  At least one of the textbooks for this course must be used as a source for this paper.

Example Topics:

·         Use of Artificial Intelligence in Decision Support Systems.

·         Business Uses of Natural Language Processing.

·         Use of Game Theory in Business Intelligence Systems.

·         Use of Decision Trees in Automated Systems.

·         The Social Networks for Collaborative Decision Making.

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$ 18.00

[Solved] The Social Network for Collaborative Decision Making

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  • Submitted On 25 Aug, 2017 07:08:45
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
The Social Network for Collaborative Decision MakingThe Social Network for Collaborative Decision MakingThe Social Network for Col...
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