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PSY 105 Unit 4 Discussion 2: The Big Five Traits

  • From Psychology, General Psychology
  • Due on 31 Aug, 2016 12:00:00
  • Asked On 25 Aug, 2016 06:02:39
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Unit 4 Discussion 2: The Big Five Traits


We can see the Big Five personality traits in our everyday lives, and they manifest themselves in the behaviors and decisions of the people we encounter. Your personality traits can even influence the type of music you like or your taste in clothing. 

Part 1: Choose two movie or television characters and include the following information about each in your post:

  • Identify which side of the spectrum they fall in each of the Big Five traits.
  • Give examples of their actions, habits, and tastes that are examples of these traits.
  • Be sure to clearly identify the characters and the movie or show in which they appear.
  • If the characters' traits are influenced by their culture or environment, note that as well. 

Part 2: Complete one of the personality assessments found here:

Discuss the following:

  • Do you agree or disagree with the results? 
  • What was the result that most surprised you? If there is a trait you disagree with, discuss why. 
  • How might these results be useful to you in your interactions with others? 

When responding to your classmates, consider providing additional examples to support their assertion about characters you are familiar with. If your classmates have chosen characters you are unfamiliar with, feel free to ask questions to get more information about them.

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$ 5.00

[Solved] Discovering and exploring the big five personality trait in our everyday lives.

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  • Submitted On 25 Aug, 2016 06:28:02
Answer posted by
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The tremendous 5 character features can be summarized as follows: Neuroticism - a tendency to without problems experience unpleasant feelings such as nervousness, anger, or despair. Extroversion - energy, surgency, and the tendency to search stimulation and the organization of others. Agreeableness - a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative as a substitute than suspicious and adverse toward others. Conscientiousness - an inclination to show willpower, act dutifully, and goal for achievement. Openness to expertise - Appreciation for artwork, emotion, adventure, and extraordinary ideas; imaginitive and curious. These qualities are most of the time measured as percentile scores, with the usual mark at 50%; so for instance, a Conscientiousness score in the eightieth percentile shows a better than usual feel of accountability and orderliness, whilst an Extroversion ranking within the fifth percentile indicates an satisfactory need for solitude and quiet. Origins In 1936 Gordon Allport and H. S. Odbert hypothesized that: those individual variations which can be most salient and socially central in persons's lives will ultimately emerge as encoded into their language; the extra predominant any such difference, the extra likely is it to grow to be expressed as a single word. This assertion has come to be referred to as the Lexical hypothesis. Allport and Odbert had worked by way of two of the most comprehensive dictionaries of the English language to be had at the time, and extracted 18,000 personality-describing phrases. From this massive list they extracted 4500 persona-describing adjectives which they regarded to describe observable and reasonably permanent characteristics. In 1946 Raymond Cattell used the emerging science of computers to analyse the Allport-Odbert list. He geared up the record into 181 clusters and requested topics to fee people whom they knew via the adjectives on the list. Making use of component evaluation Cattell generated twelve reasons, and then integrated four causes which he suggestion ought to appear. The result used to be the speculation that members describe themselves and each different in step with sixteen specific, unbiased explanations. With these sixteen factors as a groundwork, Cattell went on to assemble the 16PF character Questionnaire, which remains in use by means of universities and businesses for research, personnel determination etc. Despite the fact that subsequent research has failed to duplicate his outcome, and it has been proven that he retained too many motives, the current 16PF takes these findings into consideration and is regarded to be a very good scan. In 1963, W.T. Norman replicated Cattell's work and recommended that 5 explanations would be sufficient. Hiatus in study For the subsequent seventeen years, the altering Zeitgeist made the newsletter of personality study problematic. Social psychologists argued that habits is not stable, but varies with context, in order that predicting conduct through character experiment was impossible. They additional argued that personality, or character, is something humans impose on people in an effort to preserve an phantasm of consistency in the world. Additionally, Walter Mischel in his 1968 book Psychological comparison asserted that persona checks might no longer predict conduct with a correlation of greater than zero.3. Round 1980, three trends brought character study into the today's technology: personal desktops, statistical aggregation, and the gigantic five. Personal computer systems earlier than the advent of individual computers, psychologists wishing to behavior massive scale statistical analysis wanted to employ entry to a mainframe. Nonetheless, as soon as private computer systems become greatly available, they could do that work on their desktops. For this reason anybody might conveniently re-compare the Allport-Odbert list. The question remained as to why they would accomplish that, on the grounds that it had apparently already been centered that personality used to be an phantasm. Statistical aggregation It was argued that character psychologists had considered behavior from the unsuitable standpoint. Alternatively of attempting to foretell single circumstances of habits, which was unreliable, it used to be concept that researchers will have to are attempting to foretell patterns of conduct. Therefore correlations soared from .3 to .Eight and it seemed that “character” did correctly exist. Social psychologists still argue that we impose consistency on the sector, however with statistical aggregation it would be shown that there was once actually extra consistency than was as soon as proposal. The giant 5 In 1981 in a symposium in Honolulu, 4 prominent researchers (Lewis Goldberg, Naomi Takamoto-Chock, Andrew Comrey, and John M. Digman) reviewed the available character assessments of the day, and made up our minds that most of the tests which held any promise seemed to measure a subset of five fashioned explanations,...
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