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BUS 490 Design a program that will a

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Online Tutor Profile

Analyze, design, and document a simple program that utilizes a good design process and incorporates sequential, selection and repetitive programming statements as well as at least one function call and the use of at least one array. The specific problem you need to solve for the final project is: Design a program that will allow a user to Input a list of your family members along with their age and state where they reside. Determine and print the average age of your family and print the names of anyone who live in Texas.
2. What is the required output? What is the necessary input? How you will obtain the required output from the given input? Clearly describe variable names and definitions. Include all necessary formulas and example calculations.
3. Display pseudocode of your overall design including the Main module and the order of the module, subprogram and function calls.
4. Create a Hierarchy chart for the overall program in raptor
5. detailed pseudocode for each module, subprogram and function.
6. Add pseudocode comments with all major functionality and most minor functionality commented
7. Show test plan covering all major functionality and most minor functionality. Multiple Input and expected output provided for most modules.

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$ 10.00

[Solved] BUS 490 Design a program that will a

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  • Submitted On 01 Oct, 2015 04:58:53
Answer posted by
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