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C351 Paper Draft 2.docx Professional Presence and Influence Western Governors University

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C351 Paper Draft 2.docx  Professional Presence and Influence  Western Governors University  C351 Professional Presence and Influence  Professional Presence and Influence  Models of Health and Healing  There is science behind the physical body and the body-mind explained in JoEllen Goertz Koerners Healing Presence: The Essence of Nursing under tenets of energic anatomy and tenet spheres of consciousness. Both models address the human condition but differ in classification and functionality to health and healing.  The most highly crystalized form of matter in the universe lies within the physical body. The physical body is characterized by an organization of penetrating atoms to create the most highly evolved form of structure (Koerner, 2011, p. 64-65). Each structure is unique by having its own body intelligence that is oriented to physical sensation such as touch, taste, sight, sound and smell (Koerner, 2011, p. 65). Its primary function is to be a vehicle to engage with life in the material world (Koerner, 2011, p. 65). In this vast world of energy, the subtle-energy fields surrounding the body as well as the cells and organs that comprise it must include physical health. (Koerner, 2011, p. 63). Vital, emotional, mental and casual health may be compromised when the normal body chemistry or physics become skewed producing disease and illness (Koerner, 2011, p. 65).   Considering that the physical body is not a fixed unit of matter, forces in life can cause fluctuations and instability in physical, be

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[Solved] C351 Paper Draft 2.docx Professional Presence and Influence Western Governors University

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  • Submitted On 31 Jul, 2022 04:05:27
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C351 Paper Draft 2.docx Professional Presence and Influence Western Governors University C351 Professional Presence and Influence Professional Presence and Influence Models of Health and Healing There is science behind the physical body and the body-mind explained in JoEllen Goertz Koerners Healing Presence: The Essence of Nursing under tenets of energic anatomy and tenet ...
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