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Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx PHI-105-0500 Persuasive Essay Final Abortion is one of the mos

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Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx    PHI-105-0500  Persuasive Essay Final  Abortion is one of the most controversial topics with two polar opposite groups that are passionate about their arguments, which leads to its difficulty in maintaining a common ground. The argument is life or death though its uncertain complexity makes it difficult.In 1973, the famous court case of Roe v Wade legalized abortion in the United States. Since that ruling, despite over fifty million abortions, abortion is still considered a taboo topic that is extremely debatable and controversial. The opinion on abortion is so strongly debated that the issue is frequently referred to in politics and many states have revoked access or put restrictions on abortions. Abortions should remainlegal because it provides a safer way to terminate a pregnancy, prevents unwanted childbirth, and since abortion is about morality the government does not have the right to regulate it.    Abortions should be legal because it offers a way for a safe termination of the pregnancy for the mother. Around the world, in counties where abortion is illegal, it remains a leading cause of maternal death. An estimated 68,000 women worldwide die each year from unsafe abortions.  (The World Health Report, 2005). Taking abortion away completely is not going to stop people from going to get unsafe abortions that can cause more harm to both the mother and the fetus. To better understand your stance on abortion, a person would need to understand the development and growth 

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[Solved] Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx PHI-105-0500 Persuasive Essay Final Abortion is one of the mos

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  • Submitted On 27 Jul, 2022 11:34:30
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Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx PHI-105-0500 Persuasive Essay Final Abortion is one of the most controversial topics with two polar opposite groups that are passionate about their arguments, which leads to its difficulty in maintaining a common ground. The argument is life or death though its uncertain complexity makes it difficult.In 1973, the famous court case of Roe v Wade legali...
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Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx PHI-105-0500 Persuasive Essay Final Abortion is one of the mos

Ryanne_Romo_Final.docx PHI-105-0500 Persuasive Essay Final Abortion is one of the most controversial topics with two polar opposite groups that are passionate about their arguments, which leads to its difficulty in maint...

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