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Research_Critiques_and_PICOT_Statement_Final_Draft_.docx Research Critique on the Use o

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Research_Critiques_and_PICOT_Statement_Final_Draft_.docx    Research Critique on the Use of Probiotic with Antibiotic Use  Grand Canyon University  NRS-433V: Introduction to Nursing Research  Research Critique on the Use of Probiotic with Antibiotic Use  Educating patients about the benefits of probiotic use when prescribed antibiotics may lead to new discoveries, such as the prevention or improvement of antibiotic associated diarrhea. Health care providers prescribe antibiotics in order to help, and at times they may do more harm than good. We will be discussing four research articles showing the benefits of probiotic use with antibiotics.  Background of Study  Antibiotics are commonly used to treat various infectious diseases that patient™s may be diagnosed with. Unfortunately, one of the common intestinal side effects of antibiotics is diarrhea, which is unpleasant and may cause further complications depending on the individual and their comorbidities. With this in mind, it can lead to patient™s not finishing their course of antibiotic for their specific medical condition. This problem is significant to nursing because patients may misuse antibiotics leading to the emergence of antibiotic resistant microorganisms, poor compliance, and increasing rates of disease related antibiotic use. Research has been done to evaluate the use of probiotics to treat and or prevent antibiotics-associated diarrhea. Probiotics are microorganisms intended to have a health benefit when consumed in adequate amounts, they help to maintain normal gut fl

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Research_Critiques_and_PICOT_Statement_Final_Draft_.docx Research Critique on the Use o

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  • Submitted On 27 Jul, 2022 11:31:38
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Research_Critiques_and_PICOT_Statement_Final_Draft_.docx Research Critique on the Use of Probiotic with Antibiotic Use Grand Canyon University NRS-433V: Introduction to Nursing Research Research Critique on the Use of Probiotic with Antibiotic Use Educating patients about the benefits of probiotic use when prescribed antibiotics may lead to new discoveries, such as the prevention ...
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