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The text underscores that Christian counselors need to evidence both emotional health and spiritual maturity in order to be effective. Describe characteristics, "core conditions," and "core skills" associated with the counselor that demonstrate spiritual maturity and emotional health.
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DB 2
A Christian counselor first and foremost must demonstrate spiritual maturity and emotional stability. The following core conditions and skills must replicate the traditional characteristics of the counselor (Clinton, Hart, and Ohlschlager, 2005). In order to establish an effective ministry, the counselor must be sincere, honest, and truthful. In other words, my lifestyle must be the “catalyst for change” for the client (Clinton et al., 2005). Second, the counselor must establish a warm and caring relationship with the counselee. In addition, people in crisis need to know through your words and deeds that you care about them before they lay down their ...
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