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Commentary_Writing_Assignment__3_.docx Commentary Writing Assignment Grand Canyon Univ

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Commentary_Writing_Assignment__3_.docx    Commentary Writing Assignment  Grand Canyon University  105: English   Commentary Writing Assignment: Should Prostitution be decriminalized?  Prostitution has been a controversial topic throughout history. This profession became illegal in the United States in 1910s, when Mann Act was passed. Prostitution became illegal because it was considered immoral and unsafe; however, it should become legal again. There are many benefits that legalizing prostitution will bring to the United States. This is a very important topic because all humans have rights and should be protected no matter what they decide to do with their own bodies. Legalizing prostitution will decrease major problems in the United States.Legalizing prostitution will make a safer world for future sex workers and their clients. Prostitution should be decriminalized because all humans have rights, it will help the economy, law enforcement resources will be saved,and sex trafficking will decrease.  Prostitution needs to be legalized because all adults need to have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies. Their decisions need to be protected without being prosecuted. The article Sex Work and Human Rights explains that legalizing prostitution treats their “consent to sex as less valid than that of other women” (2014). American adults should have autonomy about their bodies, and their decisions should be respected.  Legalizing prostitution will have many benefits in America, including a positiv

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[Solved] Commentary_Writing_Assignment__3_.docx Commentary Writing Assignment Grand Canyon Univ

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  • Submitted On 26 Jul, 2022 01:43:15
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Commentary_Writing_Assignment__3_.docx Commentary Writing Assignment Grand Canyon University 105: English Commentary Writing Assignment: Should Prostitution be decriminalized? Prostitution has been a controversial topic throughout history. This profession became illegal in the United States in 1910s, when Mann Act was passed. Prostitution became illegal because it was consider...
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