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Course_Milestone_Project__topics_and_discussion.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Sc

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Course_Milestone_Project__topics_and_discussion.docx    ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assisted Suicide  Chamberlain University College of Nursing  ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics  Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assissed Suicide  Health care professional are in health care to be healers and prolonging the life of patients when they are ill. Although we cannot save everyone from death because death in inevitable. The general idea of dying is a topic most people to not want to talk or think about. Majority of induvial would like to be able to pass on their own terms which clear in not possible because we do not get to choose when or how we die. This concept brings the controversial topic of assisted suicide or euthanasia in the health care world. This concept is the act of deliberately ending a patients life to end their suffering by assisting or encouraging them (Glasper, 2020). Assisted suicide is something terminal patients consider when they are tired of fighting and loss hope. They are suffering in pain any no long her the desire to live. The topic is very controversial topic ethical because they are many different ways to look at the situation. Being for or against assisted suicide is ultimate at the discretion of the health care provide and their own moral code.   Moral Reason For and Against   I found when researching that discovering moral reasons to be against the act of assist suicide or euthanasia to be easier to find. The number one reason to be against the act is being to be a health care professi

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[Solved] Course_Milestone_Project__topics_and_discussion.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Sc

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  • Submitted On 24 Jul, 2022 08:15:59
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Course_Milestone_Project__topics_and_discussion.docx ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assisted Suicide Chamberlain University College of Nursing ETHC 445N: Principles of Ethics Scholarly Paper Phase 1: Assissed Suicide Health care professional are in health care to be healers and prolonging the life of patients when they are ill. Although we cannot save e...
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