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MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED)

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MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED)

YOUR NAME:_Salome Khelashvili_ Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion Take Home Exam Due via dropbox on5/30 by 9:15pm You MUST have questions on exam - simply fill in your answers in a different color than blue.

1. How do you tie Perceptual Mapping and Conjoint Analysis together when presenting be specific? (5 pts)

2. Define Perceptual Mapping and Conjoint Analysis. (4 pts)

3. What is the problem with conventional marketing? (4 pts)

4. If I was a marketing manager - what is the ideal or best TPU product for chart – be sure to list feature level and utility? (4 pts)

5. Tell me why I am crying if I am the Ford, Chevy or Dodge brand manager? (3 pts)

6. What can you tell me about price, style and material? Explain your answer! (10pts) (Make assumptions about numerical value of style and material. Hint: the SUVs cost consumers as follows: Small SUV $10,000, Midsize $20,000, and Large $30,000, consumer pays following for each material – Vinyl $200, Fabric $300, and Leather $400)

7. What is the most important thing you can tell me about a $40,000, Large SUV, Vinyl, Ford? (2 pts)

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[Solved] MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED)

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  • Submitted On 08 Jul, 2022 03:34:17
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MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED) YOUR NAME:_Salome Khelashvili_ Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion Take Home Exam Due via dropbox on5/30 by 9:15pm You MUST have questions on exam - simply fill in your answers in a different color ...
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MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED)

MKT 315 Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion 2020_2021 [UPDATED) YOUR NAME:_Salome Khelashvili_ Final Exam Strategic Tools for Marketers –Vermillion Take Home Exam Due via dropbox on5/30 by 9:15pm You M...

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