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OCR AS Level Ancient History H407/23: Emperors and Empire QUESTION PAPER & MARK SCHEME, Nov. 2020

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[Solved] OCR AS Level Ancient History H407/23: Emperors and Empire QUESTION PAPER & MARK SCHEME, Nov. 2020

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  • Submitted On 27 Jun, 2022 01:43:06
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Section A: The Julio-Claudian Emperors, 31 BC–AD 68 Question 1* ‘The sources consistently underestimate the significance of the contribution of other individuals to the reigns of the Julio- Claudian emperors.’ How far do you agree with this view? [30 marks] Assessment Objectives AO3 = 15 marks = Use, analyse and evaluate ancient sources within their historical context to make judgements and reach conclusions about: • historical events and historical periods studied • how the portrayal of events by ancient writers/sources relates to the historical contexts in which they were written/produced. AO2 = 10 marks = Analyse and evaluate historical events and historical periods to arrive at substantiated judgements AO1 = 5 marks = Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key features and characteristics of the historical periods studied. Please note that while the descriptors for AO2 and AO3 are given separately in the levels, the analysis and evaluation of sources & historical events and historical periods may be combined in responses. Additional guidance The ‘Indicative content’ is an example of historically valid content; any other historically valid content is acceptable and should be credited in line with the levels of response. Level Marks Level descriptors Indicative content Level 5 25–30 • Response uses a very good range of fully appropriate examples from the ancient sources. The sources are thoroughly analysed and evaluated, to reach logically reasoned, well-developed judgements about how the way they portray events relates to the context in which they were produced, and to draw fully substantiated and convincing conclusions about the historical issue in the question. (AO3) • The response has an excellent explanation that convincingly and very thoroughly analyses and appraises historical events and periods in order to reach substantiated, sustained, and well-developed judgements. (AO2) • The response demonstrates a very good range of accurate and detailed knowledge and a sophisticated understanding of relevant historical features and characteristics. There is a consistent focus on the question throughout the answer. (AO1) No set answer is expected. It is possible to reach the highest marks with conclusion(s) either agreeing, disagreeing, or anywhere between providing the response...
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