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DAT210_Wk5___Functional_Programming.docx Functional Programming DAT 210 Assignment Co

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DAT210_Wk5___Functional_Programming.docx    Functional Programming  DAT 210  Assignment Content  Write a 2-part program using Ruby, Java®, or Python.   Part 1  Write a function to gather the following costs from the user:  oTravel cost: $9,800  oHotel cost: $3,500  oRental car cost: $1,600  oLabor cost: $15,500   Code:  def getInput(st):     """ Function that reads the input from user """     try:         # Reading costs from user         cost = float(input("Enter " + st + " : "))              Â       # Checking for negative amount         if cost < 0:  

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[Solved] DAT210_Wk5___Functional_Programming.docx Functional Programming DAT 210 Assignment Co

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  • Submitted On 18 Jun, 2022 04:44:10
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DAT210_Wk5___Functional_Programming.docx Functional Programming DAT 210 Assignment Content Write a 2-part program using Ruby, Java®, or Python.  Part 1...
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