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RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare â C427 A.Create a plannin

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RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx    Technology Applications in Healthcare – C427  A.Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following:  1.Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA:  a.As healthcare workers, we have a fundamental obligation to ensure that our patients are healthy at all costs of their Confidential Health Records (PHI). It is also our duty, as the hospital management, to ensure that we have and enforce appropriate preparation and resources available for all staff to assist in this matter. We must also ensure that all HIPPA rules, procedures and protocols are recognized and implemented on a timely basis by all workers.  Controlling: HR will use the safe employee registry of companies to monitor compliance with and completion of required HIPPA training schedules. HR will communicate all enforcement deadlines and any additional details required to satisfy requirements through employee email. Through collaborating with managers and enforcing corrective actions put in motion according to the policy of the company, they will ensure that workers are obedient. Each employee will be required to complete online quizzes following each annual exam to guarantee longevity with a pass rate of 95 percent to ensure a good comprehension of HIPPA guidelines and policies.  Planning: At all new employee recruitment meetings, HIPPA preparation will be held. After that, all workers will be required to take an 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare â C427 A.Create a plannin

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  • Submitted On 11 Jun, 2022 11:04:40
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RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare – C427 A.Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following: 1.Describe how you would teach the hospital employees the rules and regulations regarding HIPAA: a.As healthcare workers, we have a fundamental obligation to ensure that our patients are healthy...
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RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare â C427 A.Create a plannin

RBP1RBP1_TASK_1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare – C427 A.Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following: 1.Describe how you would teach the hosp...
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RBP1RBP1 TASK 1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare C427 A.Create a planning 2021

RBP1RBP1 TASK 1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare “ C427 A.Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following: 1. Describe how you would teach the hospi...
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RBP1RBP1 TASK 1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare C427 A.Create a planning

RBP1RBP1 TASK 1.docx Technology Applications in Healthcare “ C427 A.Create a planning, organizing, directing, controlling (PODC) HIPAA training model by doing the following: 1. Describe how you would teach the hosp...

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