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Cloud computing in education section

Question posted by
Online Tutor Profile

Task 1 Research one of the topics listed below. Write a report of your investigation. The report should introduce and provide background or history of the selected topic. The body of the report should address its application or example of usage in a chosen field of your choice (e.g. health care, education, business etc.). You may want to discuss the advantages and limitations of its current application. Report on the future outlook of your chosen topic. Write a conclusion for the report. Word limit for the report is 1000 to 1150 words (excluding Table of Content). Topics (choose one only): • Big data analytics • Cloud computing • Data governance • Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) • Enterprise defence against cyber threats • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Report Structure: Abstract - Table of Contents - 1.0 Introduction - 2.0 Background/history - 3.0 Application - 3.1 Application 1 3.2 Application 2 3.3 Application 3 3.4 Application 4 3.5 Application 4 4.0 Future Outlook - 5.0 Conclusion - 6.0 References – References : Harvard author-date referencing style Appendix • One Infographic Adhering to word limit: Minimum 1000 words, Maximum 1150 words Task 2: Infographic i. Create an infographic to incorporate the findings of your report from Task 1.



The topic that i need is about (cloud computing in education section)
you can see the pdf file
1200 words + drawing infographic for the idea.

Harvard Referencing Style ( No purchased books please in Referencing uses).

in the Files attached you can see e.g for an infographic ( just example so you can now how is the infographic i need not to copy the idea from the Example)
+ the Assignment Specification PDF file.

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$ 50.00

[Solved] cloud computing in education section

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  • Submitted On 10 May, 2022 05:15:32
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Cloud computing in education section Name: Course: Tutor: University: Department: Date: Abstract The most visible and identifiable landmark in the 21st century is the advent of technological developments. One of the contributions of technological developments is the invention of cloud computing in the entire world. It has been successfully applied in multiple sectors such as business, manufacturing enterprises and also the education sector. It is therefore inevitable for the education sector to continue investing heavily in the deployment and exploitation of cloud computing. Table of Contents Page 1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….…..4 2.0 Background/history………………………………………………………………………………….…4 3.0 Application………………………………………………………………………………………….……5 3.1 Definition of cloud computing and its characteristics…………………………….………5 3.2 Cloud computing in action: how is it being applied in education?...............................5 3.3 Benefits of cloud computing……………………………………………………………….....6 3.4 Risks/ challenges associated with cloud computing……………………………………….7 3.5 Cloud computing adoption process in education…………………………………………..8 4.0 Future Outlook………………………………………………………………………………………..…8 5.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….…9 6.0 References…………………………………………………………………………………………..…10 1.0 Introduction In a bid to match modernity and embrace competitive strategies, the adoption of cloud computing in the education sector is inevitable. Cloud computing has in the recent days presented numerous effects on the functionality of education world over. This report seeks to give an in-depth analysis of cloud computing and its operation in the global education sector. The analysis is founded on historical and factual findings evident in the modern world. In the recent days, dependency of the education sector across the whole world on cloud computing has intensified. The numerous benefits accrued from the adoption and use of cloud computing in the sector seems to...
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