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Cloud Computing Report.docx DFC 640 Cloud Computing Report University of Maryland G

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Cloud Computing Report.docx    DFC 640  Cloud Computing Report  University of Maryland “ Global Campus DFC 640: Advanced Forensics   Abstract  This report will provide an overview of cloud computing and several of the challenges that forensic investigators encounter as it pertains to data collection. This report will also  describe many of the tools that are used in digital forensics to combat the challenges within cloud computing. This report will identify recommendations for handling encrypted data in the cloud. Trends in mitigating cloud challenges for forensic investigators will be discussed in this report. A lab report is included in this report regarding the decryption of two image files. The findings are discussed in detail.  Keywords  cloud infrastructure, cloud platforms, cloud forensics, cloud architecture, cloud challenges, cloud computing, cloud service provider  Table of Contents  Cloud Computing Report..................................................................................................1  Abstract..............................................................................................................................2  Cloud Computing Overview.............................................................................................4  Challenges Cloud Computing Creates for Digital Forensics...........................................4  Tools and Techniques Used to Combat Cloud Challenges..............................................6  Recommendations for Handling Encrypted 

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Cloud Computing Report.docx DFC 640 Cloud Computing Report University of Maryland G

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  • Submitted On 03 Oct, 2022 01:08:48
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Cloud Computing Report.docx DFC 640 Cloud Computing Report University of Maryland “ Global Campus DFC 640: Advanced Forensics Abstract This report will provide an overview of cloud computing and several of the challenges that forensic investigators encounter as it pertains to data collection. This report will also describe many of the tools that are used in digital fore...
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