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ELL 240 Outline: ELLs ELL 240 Thesis: As a result, long-term English language learners

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ELL 240  Outline: ELLs ELL 240  Thesis:  As a result, long-term English language learners frequently have difficulties reading, writing, and acquiring academic language, thus falling behind their peers academically and accumulating significant learning gaps throughout their schooling.  Attention Getter:  Would you react differently if you were forced to move abroad? The situation would require you to learn a new language and culture as well as an entirely new environment. Such an experience could inhibit the learning process. A thorough analysis of this issue would help one to understand the challenges facing English language learners.  Topic sentence:  Learners of English as a Second Language (ELLs) usually come from non-English speaking homes and backgrounds and need assistance both in learning a new language as well as meeting academic requirements.  Quote: As an indirect result of th

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$ 7.00

[Solved] ELL 240 Outline: ELLs ELL 240 Thesis: As a result, long-term English language learners

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  • Submitted On 30 Apr, 2022 07:29:38
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ELL 240 Outline: ELLs ELL 240 Thesis: As a result, long-term English language learners frequently have difficulties reading, writing, and acquiring academic language, thus falling behind their peers academically and accumu...
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