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MILITARY 101 - SEJPME I & II Test bank

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1)   The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) works with the combatant commanders (CCDRs) of the    . (Select all that apply.) b, c, d

a)      None of the answers are correct

b)      United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

c)      United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

d)      United States Pacific Command (USPACOM)

2)   The main difference between Dining-In and Dining-Out for members of the Air Force is that spouses and other non-military guests may attend a Dining-In. b

a)      True

b)      False

3)   Which of the following are keys to success in joint assignments? (Select all that apply.) b, c, d

a)      Checking the work of members from other Services

b)      Knowing the people around you

c)      Having competence in your area of the Service

d)      Knowing how to solve problems

4)   Today, the U.S. and its partners find themselves in an era in which they are unlikely to be fully at war or fully at peace. a

a)      True

b)      False

5)   If something of an ethical nature is ever in doubt, commanders should contact their legal counsel for advice. a

a)      True

b)      False


6)   There are a total of how many Reserve Components in the Armed Forces of the United States? d

1.   8

2.   5

3.   6

4.   7

1)   The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) works with the combatant commanders (CCDRs) of the    . (Select all that apply.) b, c, d

a)      None of the answers are correct

b)      United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

c)      United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)

d)      United States Pacific Command (USPACOM)

2)   The main difference between Dining-In and Dining-Out for members of the Air Force is that spouses and other non-military guests may attend a Dining-In. b

a)      True

b)      False

3)   Which of the following are keys to success in joint assignments? (Select all that apply.) b, c, d

a)      Checking the work of members from other Services

b)      Knowing the people around you

c)      Having competence in your area of the Service

d)      Knowing how to solve problems

4)   Today, the U.S. and its partners find themselves in an era in which they are unlikely to be fully at war or fully at peace. a

a)      True

b)      False

5)   If something of an ethical nature is ever in doubt, commanders should contact their legal counsel for advice. a

a)      True

b)      False


6)   There are a total of how many Reserve Components in the Armed Forces of the United States? d

1.   8

2.   5

3.   6

4.   7


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$ 25.00

[Solved] MILITARY 101 - SEJPME I & II Test bank

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  • Submitted On 01 Jan, 2022 10:19:17
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
1) The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) works with the combatant commanders (CCDRs) of the . (Select all that apply.) b, c, d a) None of the answers are correct b) United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) c) United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) d) United States Pacific Command (U...
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