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N5315 Module 3 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection

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N5315  Module 3 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection

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[Solved] N5315 Module 3 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection

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  • Submitted On 07 Oct, 2021 02:17:07
Answer posted by
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N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection Core Concepts Objectives with Advanced Organizers Immune System 1. Examine the structure and function of the immune system. a. Describe how the normal function of T-lymphocyte and B-lymphocyte cells differ. i. T Cells- Cell mediated immunity. 1. “cluster of differentiation” 2. CD4 cells- t-helper or t4 cells a. Release lymphokines to begin inflammatory process b. Mediate delayed sensitivity. (TB skin test). 3. CD8 cells aka t cells, killer t, and t8. a. Kill viruses by releasing cytotoxic chemicals 4. Memory T a. Remember the antigen and respond quicker and stronger after 1st exposure. 5. T Regulatory a. Slow or stop immune response once initiated. ii. B cells- humoral immunity. 1. Mature into plasma cells that produce antibodies. b. Differentiate between function of humoral and cell mediated immunity and describe the implications for practice. i. Humoral Immunity 1. B cells. 2. Fights viral infections, toxins, pneumococci, meningococci, and haemophilus. ii. Cell Mediated 1. T cells. 2. Fungal, parasitic, tumors. 3. Responsible for organ transplant rejections. c. Describe the difference between...
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N5315 Module 3 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection

N5315 Advanced Pathophysiology Inflammation, Altered Immunity and Infection Core Concepts Objectives with Advanced Organizers Immune System 1. Examine the structure and function of the immune system. a. Describe how the ...

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