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CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” complete solution correct answer key

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CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” complete solution correct answer key

The Goal: Get experience in programming using databases. What you need to know for this project: Designing relational databases, SQL, stored procedures.

The project is based on the material of Class/Labs. The Task: Implement a Banking Program of a bank providing account/loan services to customers by several branches.

Here is the minimum functionality of the application: 1. Define/update a customer having id, name, address, date of birth, sex. 2. Define/update branch having branch name, address. 3. Define/update an employee having id, name, branch, position, salary, enter date. An employee has customers assigned to them. 4. Define/update account having account number, balance, history of operations on it. Each account pertains to a unique branch. History of operations shows operation (deposit/withdraw), amount deposited/withdrawn, balance before and after operation, date, employee responsible for it. 5. Define/update loan having loan number, amount, history of operations on it. Each loan pertains to a unique branch. History of operations shows operation (borrow/return payment), amount of money borrowed/returned, resulting loan amount before and after operation, date, responsible for it employee. 6. List customers together with their number of accounts, total account balances, number of loans, and total loan amounts, living in a given city, having given sex and age, and having accounts and/or loans in a given branch. 7. List employees together with the number of assigned to them customers and salary who work in a given branch and who entered it not before a given date. 8. List branches together with the number of employees and assigned to them customers, total loan amount, total account balance for branches residing in the given city. 9. List customers who made account and loan operations in the given time period 10. List employees and the number of served by each of them customers in the given time period

Methodology: You should write queries/stored procedures for each one of the above options. What to hand in: You should hand in a report which contains the design of your database as an E-R diagram, the tables in the database, all the stored procedures, and all the data in your tables. References to the sources you used (textbooks, manuals, web-sites, etc.) shall be also shown. Give an explanation for each stored procedure. Be sure to include a title page and table of contents for the report. Copying: Any copying attempt will not be tolerated, and students whose projects are found to be "similar enough" to other projects will get zero for the assignment (it is not important who was the donor and who was the recipient). If you want to help your friends, you can show them how to do this or that, but you cannot give code away.

 Grading: Each partner should know about all aspects of the project. You will each receive an individual grade for how well you know the project implementation. So it is quite possible that you and your partner will get different grades for the assignment. Detailed breakdown of grading is as follows: • Database design (E-R diagrams + relational design) - 30% • Stored procedures- 50% (they will be individually tested as well) • Documentation - 20%

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$ 15.00

[Solved] CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” complete solution correct answer key

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  • Submitted On 13 Jul, 2015 02:59:22
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Scripts to create table along with screenshots; create table Account ( Account_number int primary key not null, Branch_Id int, Customer_Id int, Operation_Id int, Balance numeric (8,2) ); create table Branch ( Branch_Id int primary key not null, Name varchar (25), Adress varchar (50) ) ; create table Employee ( Employee_Id int primary key not null, Branch_Id int, Name varchar (25), Lastname varchar (25), Position varchar (25), Salary numeric (8,2), Enter_Date varchar (25), foreign key (Branch_Id) references Branch ); create table Customers ( Customer_Id int primary key not null , Account_number int, Branch_Id int, Employee_Id int, First_Name varchar (25), Last_name varchar(25), Adress varchar (50), State varchar(50), Date_of_Birth varchar (25), Sex varchar (25), check (sex in ('Male', 'Female')), foreign key (Account_number) references Account, foreign key (Branch_Id) references Branch, foreign key (Employee_Id) references Employee ); create table Operation ( Operation_Id int primary key not null, Operation_Date varchar(25), Operation_Type varchar(25), Amount numeric (10,2), Balance_before_operation numeric (10,2), Balance_after_operation numeric (10,2), Account_number int, Employee_Id int, Branch_Id int, check (Operation_Type in ('withdraw','investment','loan','EFT','Transfer','credit card payment')), foreign key (Account_number) references account, foreign key (Employee_Id) references Employee, foreign key (Branch_Id) references Branch ; QUESTION 1 > a) Procedure to Insert data into table Customers CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Customer_Procedure(P_Customer_Id IN int, P_Account_number IN int, P_Branch_Id IN int, P_Employee_Id IN int, P_First_Name IN varchar, P_Last_name IN varchar, P_Adress IN varchar, P_State IN varchar, P_Date_of_Birth IN varchar, P_Sex IN varchar) AS BEGIN insert into Customers (Customer_Id, Account_number, Branch_Id, Employee_Id, First_Name, Last_name, Adress, State, Date_of_Birth, Sex) values (P_Customer_Id, P_Account_number, P_Branch_Id, P_Employee_Id, P_First_Name, P_Last_name, P_Adress, P_State, P_Date_of_Birth, P_Sex); COMMIT; END Customer_Procedure; b)Procedure to UPDATE TABLE Customers CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Update_Customer(P_Customer_Id int, P_First_Name varchar, P_Last_name varchar, P_Adress varchar, P_Date_of_Birth varchar, P_Sex varchar) as BEGIN Update Customers SET First_Name = P_First_Name, Last_name = P_Last_name, Adress = P_Adress, Date_of_Birth = P_Date_of_Birth, Sex = P_Sex WHERE Customer_Id = P_Customer_Id; COMMIT; END Update_Customer; c)SCRIPT TO EXCUTE PROCEDURE Customer_Procedure for INSERTION of data BEGIN Customer_Procedure('112','6101','9002','1988','Ugur','Kara','Suadiye','Ankara','09/01/1991','Male' ); Customer_Procedure('113','6102','9001','1987','Safiye','Hoduk','Saskinbakkal','Edirne','10/05/1945','Female'); Customer_Procedure('114','6103','9002','1988','Hayriye','Yalcin','Goztepe','Mala...
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CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” complete solution correct answer key

Scripts to create table along with screenshots; create table Account ( Account_number int primary key not null, Branch_Id int, Customer_Id int, Operation_Id int, Balance numeric (8,2) ); create table ...
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CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” | Complete Solution

Scripts to create table along with screenshots; create table Account ( Account_number int primary key not null, Branch_Id int, Customer_Id int, Operation_Id int, Balance numeric (8,2) ); ...
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CIS209 Project Task “Banking Program” | Complete Solution 2

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