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WK3Assgn.docx Wk-3 ITEC 6111 iPremier Case Study Master of Science in Information Tech

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WK3Assgn.docx  Wk-3  ITEC 6111  iPremier Case Study  Master of Science in Information Technology, Walden University  ITEC 6111: Information Technology in the Organization  How well did the company perform?  In my opinion the company performed satisfactorily. The major problem I analyzed was that many people were new in the organization. The first call that was made was by a user who was new to the company. However, they did have people who were able to identify that there was an issue and was able to communicate to upper management. Thus, I would say they were satisfactory.  What would have been different  If I was Bob Turley, I would have flown back immediately to the site. All other business needs come second. I would have also had my CISO (Certified Information Security Officer) onsite on a video call.  I would have kicked of the incident response immediately and isolated the web server instead of l

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$ 7.00

[Solved] WK3Assgn.docx Wk-3 ITEC 6111 iPremier Case Study Master of Science in Information Tech

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  • Submitted On 19 Jun, 2021 01:24:26
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WK3Assgn.docx Wk-3 ITEC 6111 iPremier Case Study Master of Science in Information Technology, Walden University ITEC 6111: Information Technology in the Organization How well did the company perform? In my opinion the com...
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