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GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment.docx GEN499 Week 3 Assignment General Education Capstone (G

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GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment.docx    GEN499  Week 3 Assignment  General Education Capstone (GEN499)   As different countries across the world started globalizing, the various trade networks between countries have been established, and technology allowed for unbelievable advancements in all kinds of industries, certain groups of people started accumulating lots of wealth. It is great to see our society getting more advanced, our infrastructure gets stronger, and people becoming more successful. However, it is clear that not everyone starts from the same positions in life and certain people are at a disadvantage from an early point in life due to uncontrollable things like race, income of their family, and the country/city/neighborhood they were born in. Someone who is white, born in a major city in a developed country, and whose parents are wealthy, is much more likely to have more resources to succeed. That child will hav

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[Solved] GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment.docx GEN499 Week 3 Assignment General Education Capstone (G

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  • Submitted On 19 Jun, 2021 12:23:53
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GEN 499 Week 3 Assignment.docx GEN499 Week 3 Assignment General Education Capstone (GEN499) As different countries across the world started globalizing, the various trade networks between countries have been established, and t...
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