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Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below w

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Trig Task 1.docx  VDT2  VDT2  €“ VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling  A. The sketch below was created in Google Drawings. I downloaded it as a jpg file and inserted it into my word document.  A. 1.    Based on the sketch that I have made from the scenario given, I estimate to the nearest hour that the boat can be safely secured at the dock from 4 am to 11 am, and again from 5 pm to  0.958333333333333  B.        The equation below is used to determine the exact trigonometric function used to model the depth of the water in meters t hours after midnight.  y= A sin ( Bx  ˆ’C )+ D  B. 1.    The process I used to determine the exact trigonometric function includes a series of steps.  I started with finding the value of    D   by using the vertical shift, or the vertical translation. The vertical shift, or vertical translation is the distance that the curve moves up or down. To find the value of    D  , I use th

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$ 7.00

[Solved] Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below w

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  • Submitted On 26 May, 2021 09:27:34
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Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 €“ VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below was created in Google Drawings. I downloaded it as a jpg file and inserted it into my word document. A. 1. Based on the sketch that I ...
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Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 â VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below w

Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 – VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below was created in Google Drawings. I downloaded it as a jpg file and inserted it into my word document. A. 1. Based on the sketch ...
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Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below w

Trig Task 1.docx VDT2 VDT2 €“ VDT Task 1: Trigonometric Modeling A. The sketch below was created in Google Drawings. I downloaded it as a jpg file and inserted it into my word document. A. 1. Based on the sketch t...

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