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CS240 Assignment 3 | Complete Solution

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CS240 Assignment 3

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There are 44 marks available.
Problem 1 [5+4 = 9 marks]
a) Let R1; : : :Rn be n axis-aligned rectangles in the plane for which the corners are points in the n n-grid. Thus, for each rectangle Ri the four corners are points where both coordinates are integers in f1; : : : ng. Give an algorithm to sort R1; : : :Rn by increasing area in O(n) time.

b) Is it possible to sort a set of n circles (instead of rectangles), by area, in linear time, using a similar argument as Part(a)? For that, we assume centers are point in the n n-grid and radii are integers bounded by n. Briey justify your answer.

Problem 2 [ 5 marks] Let X = f x1; : : : ; xn g be a set of n integers, satisfying xi n3 for all i, 1 i n. Describe an O(n) time algorithm that nds the minimal absolute value of the di erence between
elements of xi. That is, we are looking for some pair xi; xj such that xi 􀀀 xj is closest to 0.

Problem 3 [2+4+2=8 marks]
We denote by leftheight(u) and rightheight(u) the heights of the left and the right subtrees of a node u. Which of the following trees must be of height O(log n)? Show your work.
a) There is a constant c > 0 such that for all nodes u in a tree T1 leftheight(u) rightheight(u) + c.
b) There is a constant c > 0 such that for all nodes u in a tree T2, leftheight(u) 􀀀 c rightheight(u) leftheight(u) + c.
c) Every internal node u in a tree T3 has exactly two children.

Problem 4 [4 marks]
In this question we assume that all keys in an AVL tree are distinct positive integers. Suppose that the root node of an AVL tree T holds the key n. Estimate the largest possible number of nodes in T. Provide as exact estimate as possible.

Problem 5 [6 marks]
Describe a data structure that supports the following operations in O(log n) time:
- search(x) nds the element with key x
- insert(x) and delete(x) insert and remove an element with a key x
- deleteLast() removes the most recently inserted element

Problem 6 [12 marks]
Show how the B+-tree with M = 3 can be extended to support the oracle queries de ned
below. In this question we assume that the data structure is static and it is not necessary to
update the B+-tree. Recall that all key-value pairs are stored in the leaves of the B+-tree.
Internal nodes contain copies of keys stored in the leaves. We assume for simplicity that an
internal node with d children holds d keys; the i-th key stored in the node u is the smallest
key stored in the i-th child of u. See Fig. 1 for an example.
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12 21 24 43 51 57 62 67 79 82
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Figure 1: Example of a B+-tree. In an oracle query osearch(x; ef ), we are given a pointer to a leaf that holds the key ef > x and we search for the key x. Let x􀀀 denote the largest key stored in the tree that is smaller than x. Let df denote the number of elements between x􀀀 and ef ; if x is smaller than all keys in the tree, then df is the total number of keys that do not exceed ef . Describe an algorithm that answers queries osearch(x; f) in O(log df ) time. That is, the time to answer a query osearch(x; f) must be logarithmic in the number of elements between ef and x􀀀.

Hint: You need to augment the B+-tree with additional pointers stored in nodes of the

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[Solved] CS240 Assignment 3 | Complete Solution

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  • Submitted On 17 Jun, 2015 10:02:47
Answer posted by
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Given H=Height of tree N (H). = Count of nodes for tree height h. If H = 1 then N (H) = 1; If H = 2 then N (H) = N (1)...
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