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Bsbrsk501 summative 1 complete / bsbrsk 501 summative 1 complete

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bsbrsk501 summative 1 complete



Management risk



Summative assessment

Question 1. You could be expected to outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards. Where would you find this information and how does it link to AS/NZS ISO risk management standards? (200 words)


Question 1. You could be expected to outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards. Where would you find this information and how does it link to AS/NZS ISO risk management standards? (200 words)

Question 2.    Legislation and regulations from all levels of government will affect various aspects of business operations and the risk management aspect of business. The impact of legislation and regulations will depend on business operations/ type of business, the number of staff employed, industry sector and the structure of the business.

Explain in 200–250 words:

Make a list of 10 forms of legislation or regulation that could have an impact on risk and that you might have to outline when communicating with employees.

Question 3. Each organisation should have policies and procedures, grounded in the relevant legislation, in place to support their operations and the various functions/ activities of the business. Risk management plans will relate to the overall operation of the organisation.

Outline the reasons why business organisations should develop risk management policies, risk registers and processes for managing risk. (250–300 words)




Question 2.    Legislation and regulations from all levels of government will affect various aspects of business operations and the risk management aspect of business. The impact of legislation and regulations will depend on business operations/ type of business, the number of staff employed, industry sector and the structure of the business.

Explain in 200–250 words:

·         why it is necessary to have a working knowledge of the legislation involved in business

·         what legislation or regulations apply to the industry area in which you work or intend to work—list and give a brief description of eight forms of relevant legislation

·         how and from where you sourced this information

Make a list of 10 forms of legislation or regulation that could have an impact on risk and that you might have to outline when communicating with employees.



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$ 14.00

[Solved] bsbrsk501 summative 1 complete / bsbrsk 501 summative 1 complete

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  • Submitted On 11 Jul, 2020 05:38:37
Answer posted by
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BSBRSK501 Management risk Summative assessment Question 1. You could be expected to outline the purpose and key elements of current risk management standards. Where would you find this information and how...
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