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Sequence Diagram, System Architecture, and User Interface Design

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After reviewing the concepts of advanced software engineering in the previous assignment, your task is to design the three-tier client-server and distributed architecture model. You also need to design the interactive workflow diagrams (called sequence diagrams) for each activity associated with Phase 2 class diagrams. In this next phase, you also need to design the user interfaces for the proposed project. Use MS-Word to add those individual files in the document by taking screenshots or submit individual files. You must use MS-Visio for this assignment.

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$ 20.00

[Solved] Sequence Diagram, System Architecture, and User Interface Design

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  • Submitted On 27 Jun, 2020 07:35:25
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
User Interface Analysis and Design The three-tier client/ Server component In this architecture, the entire application is attached to the three separate layers or tiers. The application logic and the data processing units are divided across the client and the server devices. The following diagram illustrates the architecture design of the three-tier client/server component prepared using MS-Visio 2013. Three-Tier client/server Architecture Figure 1 (MS-Project 2013) Student Name Course Name Date, University Professor User Interface Analysis and Design The three-tier client/ Server component In this architecture, the entire application is attached to the three separate layers or tiers. The application logic and the data processing units are divided across the client and the server devices. The fo...
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