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PSYC 221 Quiz 2 Liberty University 2019 UPDATE

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1. ulrich is heterozygous for a trait; therefore, he displays the _____ trait in his phenotype.

2. when both parents carry an abnormal recessive gene, such as the gene for cystic fibrosis, each of their children has 1 chance in:

3. gerald suffers from hemophilia, a blood-clotting disorder. he understands that the gene responsible for this disorder is carried by females but usually affects only males. this is an example of _______ inheritance

4. scientists generally accept that

5. the environment often reflects or reinforces genetic differences. in other words, certain genetic and environmental influences tend to reinforce each other. this tendency is called

6. a statistical estimate of how much heredity influences individual differences in a specific trait at a certain time within a given population is referred to as

7. it eventually may be possible to treat inherited diseases by repairing or replacing abnormal genes through

8. which birth defect afflicts african americans more than it does other ethnic groups?

9. a chromosomal disorder characterized by moderate-to-severe mental retardation and a downward-sloping skin fold at the inner corners of the eyes is called

10. john has hemophilia, a sex-linked, blood-clotting disorder transmitted by a recessive gene. neither his mother nor his father has symptoms of this disease. what can we conclude about the genetic makeup of john's parents?

11. which of the following statements regarding obesity is false?

12. the differential expression of certain genetic traits is known as

13. genes that produce alternative expressions of a trait are called

14. doctors warn that smoking during pregnancy contributes to which of the following?

15. an 8-month-old fetus is _____ inches long and weighs approximately _____ pounds.

16. suppose you are a health care worker who is examining a child with the following symptoms: facial and bodily malformations, short attention span, hyperactivity, and motor impairments. which drug would you suspect that the child's mother used during pregnancy?

17. the molecules that are "switched on" after fertilization and begin sculpting arms, fingers, vertebrae, ribs, a brain, and other body parts are called

18. at the end of the first month of gestation, blood is flowing through very small veins and arteries in the embryo. the facial parts of the embryo have fully developed. the mother can feel the baby's movements. the embryo looks like a small-scale baby.

19. in the united states, which of the following pregnant women is likely to get the least amount of prenatal care?

20. because of the rapid weight gain experienced by marilyn early in her pregnancy, the doctor ordered a(n) _____ to see if she was having twins.

21. at which stage of gestation is exposure of the fetus to alcohol the most damaging?

22. the human gestational period is approximately _______ weeks in length.

23. dr. mcguire is studying the cells in the blastocyst that eventually become the brain and the spinal cord. where are these cells located?

24. which prenatal stage of development lasts the longest?

25. the doctor told rosa at her last prenatal visit that her baby now weighs over 9 pounds. when will the fetus stop growing?























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$ 10.00

[Solved] PSYC 221 Quiz 2 Liberty University 2019 UPDATE

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  • Submitted On 02 Jan, 2019 02:42:08
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
1. ulrich is heterozygous for a trait; therefore, he displays the _____ trait in his phenotype. 2. when both parents carry an abnormal recessive gene, such as the gene for cystic fibrosis, each of their children has 1 chance in: 3. gerald suffers from hemophilia, a blood-clotting disorder. he understands that the gene responsible for this disorder is carried by females but usually affects only males. this is an example of _______ inheritance 4. scientists generally accept that 5. the environment often reflects or reinforces genetic differences. in other words, certain genetic and environmental influences tend to reinforce each other. this tendency is called 6. a statistical estimate of how much heredity influences individual differences in a specific trait at a certain time within a given popula...
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