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PSYC 221 Quiz 1 Liberty University 2019 UPDATE

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1. The Ferkle family goes away each year to see such sights such as the world's largest ball of string and the world's largest landfill. On each vacation. they make certain that both parents and children are included. Thier vacations are shared by the ___ family.

2. which one of the following is not a factor that determines socioeconomic status

3. charles is a child growing up in a low-ses (socioeconomic status) family. which of the following will likely have an effect on his development?

4. katherine grew up attending private catholic schools. each year at christmas, she and her classmates decorated a tree in school and did the same at home. for katherine's classmates and family, the tree decorating was a _________ event.

5. in the case study involving genie researchers found that

6. which of the following is/are determined by socioeconomic status

7. which aspects of development show plasticity?

8. in western societies the dominant traditional family structure is the

9. during which developmental period do children develop speech and locomotion, and become somewhat more assertive and self-reliant, yet need considerable help in restraining their impulsive behavior?

10. Each summer, the Smith's host grandparentsauntsunclescousins, and distant relatives for a two-day reunion. The Smith family reunion involves the ______ family.

11. which of the following events paved the way for the scientific study of child development

12. A group consisting of people united by ancestry, race, religion, language, or national orgin is known as

13. Ramona is walking in a mall when she notices a distressed-looking infant in a stroller. The infant's facial expression engrosses Ramona, and she immediately looks around to see if an adult is there to help the infant. The infant's mother is indeed right there, and Ramona moves on, but the image stays with her. She begins to wonder if humans have some innate ability to communicate with facial expressions that provides an evolutionary advantage. Which of the theories might support Ramona's idea?

14. in research ethics beneficence refers to

15. four-year-old adam sees cows in a field. his mother points to them and says, "cows." later, adam sees goats for the first time and calls them cows. adam is demonstrating piaget's concept of

16. piaget and his wife kept journals noting how their children developed and interacted with one another in the home. according to the bioecological approach, piaget was studying the children in their

17. a scientific theory is a set of

18. over a 10-year period, professor dohner followed the same group of schoolchildren, measuring their performance on an intelligence test twice a year. which method of data collection did professor dohner use?

19.viewed human development as being shaped by unconscious forces

20. which of the following is the best operational definition of a difficult test?

21.jeremy has become interested in the interactions that children have with their parents in public places. he suspects that, when they are at the mall, children may interact differently with their fathers than they do with their mothers. he decides to watch the food court of a local mall and observe interaction patterns. jeremy is using a _______ observation method.

22. your psychology professor claims that attachment between an infant and a caregiver must form during a critical period to ensure normal development. which developmental perspective does your professor support?

23. Before designing her research study, Dr Bennett predicts that infants who have poor diets will have academics problems is an example of an

24.the collapse of communism in eastern europe in the 1900s significantly altered most government institutions there. According to the bioecological approach, this situation reflects a change in people's






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$ 10.00

[Solved] PSYC 221 Quiz 1 Liberty University 2019 UPDATE

  • This Solution has been Purchased 1 time
  • Submitted On 31 Dec, 2018 04:55:36
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
1. The Ferkle family goes away each year to see such sights such as the world's largest ball of string and the world's largest landfill. On each vacation. they make certain that both parents and children are included. Thier vacations are shared by the ___ family. 2. which one of the following is not a factor that determines socioeconomic status 3. charles is a child growing up in a low-ses (socioeconomic status) family. which of the following will likely have an effect on his development? 4. katherine grew up attending private catholic schools. each year at christmas, she and her classmates decorated a tree in school and did the same at home. for katherine's classmates and family, the tree decorating was a _________ event. 5. in the case study involving genie researchers found that 6. which of the following is/are determined by socioeconomic status 7. which aspects of development show plasticity? 8. in western societies the dominant traditional family structure is the 9. duri...
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