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HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 1 complete solutions correct answers key

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Liberty University HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 1 complete solutions correct answers key

More than 3 different versions


· Question 1

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who was the greatest Chaldean ruler, who sacked Jerusalem and took many Israelites into captivity?

·         Question 2

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which of the following peoples contributed the greatest legacy to Western civilization?

·         Question 3

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to the lecture, “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which seafaring people, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, gave us the writing system based on sound, rather than pictures?

·         Question 4

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” Sumer, the foundation for Mesopotamian culture, was located in which region?

·         Question 5

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which empire brought conflict to Egypt and were the first to fashion iron weapons?

·         Question 6

2.6 out of 2.6 points

True or False: According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” the purpose of this course is to consider all important civilizations from around the world.

·         Question 7

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who built the very first, world empire?

·         Question 8

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” where did most civilizations rise up?

·         Question 9

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who were considered a “deadly force of ruthless attackers”?

·         Question 10

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which of the following is NOT one of the legacies of the Persian Empire?


· Question 1

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which empire brought conflict to Egypt and were the first to fashion iron weapons?

·         Question 2

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who was the greatest Chaldean ruler, who sacked Jerusalem and took many Israelites into captivity?

·         Question 3

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who built the very first, world empire?

·         Question 4

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who were considered a “deadly force of ruthless attackers”?

·         Question 5

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to the lecture, “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which seafaring people, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, gave us the writing system based on sound, rather than pictures?

·         Question 6

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which of the following is NOT one of the legacies of the Persian Empire?

·         Question 7

2.6 out of 2.6 points

True or False: According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” the purpose of this course is to consider all important civilizations from around the world.

·         Question 8

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” where did most civilizations rise up?

·         Question 9

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” Sumer, the foundation for Mesopotamian culture, was located in which region?

·         Question 10

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which of the following peoples contributed the greatest legacy to Western civilization?


According to the textbook, in Hammurabi's Code of Law, crimes against nobles were punished more severely than crimes against commoners.

Under the rule of the Israelite king Solomon,

According to the textbook, for the Hebrews, freedom meant voluntary obedience to commands that originated with God.

According to the textbook, in spite of their obsession with military conquest, the Assyrians had a key role in maintaining and spreading the culture of the past.

According to the textbook, the Assyrians were known for their promotion of tolerance and peace.

According to the textbook, historians largely disregard the Old Testament as a source for studying the ancient Near East.

According to the textbook, Jewish law regarded women as persons, not as property.

The environment of early Mesopotamia was characterized by

Universalism in Hebrew thought

According to the textbook, one striking feature of Hammurabi's Code of Law is the almost total lack of concern for money or economic transactions.

Yahweh was thought of as

According to the textbook, the Hebrew prophets helped shape a revolutionary social doctrine that states that everyone has a God-given right to social justice and fair treatment.

The Old Testament

A major role of prophets like Jeremiah was to

The Persian empire

Cuneiform may be described as

Which of the following groups were responsible for conquering and deporting at least a portion of the Hebrew nation?

The Hebrews regarded history as

According to the prophets, the supreme concern and commandment of God relates to

The Hebrews came to see themselves as chosen by God

According to the lecture, “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” where did most civilizations rise up?

According to the lecture, “Intro to Western Civilization,” this course is about memorizing the important events, names, and dates for the 5,000 years covered.

According to the lecture, “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which empire brought conflict to Egypt and were the first to fashion iron weapons?

According to the lecture, “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who were considered a “deadly force of ruthless attackers”?

According to “Western Civilization: Our Tradition,” it was due to which of the following countries that the idea of Western civilization experienced its heroic age?

According to “Western Civilization: Our Tradition,” it is intellectuals of the East, not West, who are most interested in discussing Western civilization and tradition.

According to “Western Civilization: Our Tradition,” which of the following is the only one embraced by “the political, intellectual, and economic elites of the West”?

According to “Western Civilization: Our Tradition,” which of the following is NOT one of the three traditions of Western Civilization?

According to “The Christian Calendar,” which of the following accurately denotes the meaning of the abbreviation, AD?



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$ 7.90

[Solved] HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 1 complete solutions correct answers key

  • This Solution has been Purchased 3 time
  • Submitted On 05 Sep, 2018 01:43:56
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile
Liberty University HIEU 201 Lecture quiz 1 complete solutions correct answers key More than 3 different versions • Question 1 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who was the greatest Chaldean ruler, who sacked Jerusalem and took many Israelites into captivity? • Question 2 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which of the following peoples contributed the greatest legacy to Western civilization? • Question 3 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to the lecture, “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” which seafaring people, mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, gave us the writing system based on sound, rather than pictures? • Question 4 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” Sumer, the foundation for Mesopotamian culture, was located in which region? • Question 5 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” which empire brought conflict to Egypt and were the first to fashion iron weapons? • Question 6 2.6 out of 2.6 points True or False: According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” the purpose of this course is to consider all important civilizations from around the world. • Question 7 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who built the very first, world empire? • Question 8 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Earliest Civilizations of the Near East,” where did most civilizations rise up? • Question 9 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Empire Builders of the Near East,” who were considered a “dead...
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