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HIEU 201 Quiz 4 Liberty University | Complete Solution

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HIEU 201 Quiz 4 Liberty University | Complete Solution


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· Question 1

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Rise of Christianity,” which of the following forms the roots of the Christian religion?

· Question 2


According to “Rise of Christianity,” what was the main appeal of Christianity?

· Question 3

2.6 out of 2.6 points

While the decline and fall of Rome was gradual, according to “Roman Empire,” which of the following dates is given by historians for the actual fall of Rome?

· Question 4

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Roman Empire,” which of the following items IS NOT a lasting legacy of Rome?

· Question 5

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Early Doctrines of the Church,” which of the following heresy brought about the writing of the Nicene Creed?

· Question 6

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Roman Empire,” which of the following was NOT given as part of the seeds of instability being sown during the Pax Romana?

· Question 7

2.6 out of 2.6 points

True or False: According to “Roman Empire,” the regimental rule of Diocletian and then Constantine, held off disaster, but only precariously.

· Question 8

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Rise of Christianity,” under which Roman emperor did the first state sponsored persecution of Christians take place, in AD 64?

· Question 9

2.6 out of 2.6 points

According to “Early Doctrines of the Church,” which of the following cities was NOT one of the locations of the five leading churches?

· Question 10

2.6 out of 2.6 points


According to “Early Doctrines of the Church,” a contrast is made between the ancient Near East and post-476 Europe. Which of the following best describes that contrast?



According to “Rise of Christianity,” Romans began to view Christians as subversive for which of the following reasons?


According to the textbook, there are similarities between Christianity and the mystery cults,


Virgil wrote his epic Aeneid because


According to your textbook, one important reason why Paul's mission was so successful is that he separated Christianity from Judaism.


According to your textbook, In City of God, Augustine stated that Christianity would survive the collapse and fall of Rome.


Augustus carried out all of the following policies EXCEPT


According to your textbook, Augustus rejected the idea of emperor worship because it was identified too closely with eastern monarchs.


True or False: According to your textbook, expressing the Roman yearning for order and justice, law was Rome's greatest legacy to Western civilization.


Who established a monastic rule calling for both work and prayer?


According to your textbook, Jesus himself left no writings for his followers.


According to the lecture, “Early Doctrines of the Church,” Clement of Alexandria advocated study and knowledge as virtuous pursuits, claiming that…


According to the lecture, “Early Doctrines of the Church,” which of the following men wrote Church History, showing that Christianity is the ultimate goal of human history?


According to the website, ”Friends, Romans, or Countrymen,” which of the following was NOT listed as a reason for barbarian immigration into Rome?

Available Answer
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[Solved] HIEU 201 Quiz 4 Liberty University | Complete Solution

  • This Solution has been Purchased 8 time
  • Average Rating for this solution is A+
  • Submitted On 27 Jan, 2019 07:18:24
Answer posted by
Online Tutor Profile

• Question 1 2.6 out of 2.6 points According to “Rise of Christianity,” which of the following forms the roots of the Christian religion? Selected Answer: Judaism • ...

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