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Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

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Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation on career development for executives at an organization you currently work for or an organization you wish to work for in the future. In your presentation, you will explain how your organization can foster career development of its employees as well as how you will keep employees motivated.

In your PowerPoint presentation, address the following points, and utilize both internal and external methods and theories touched upon in this course:


 How do you plan to implement career development using internal and external resources?

 How will you will keep training and access to opportunities equal?

 How will you will increase employees’ KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities)?

 How will you will present the training and development?

 How will you will motivate employees to want to continue developing their skills (include a motivational theory in your explanation)?


Your presentation must be a minimum of 12 PowerPoint slides in length, not including the title and reference slides. You are required to use at least one outside source and to utilize the notes section. Within the notes section, include additional explanations. As you write your presentation, keep in mind that you are presenting for executives at your organization. All sources used, including the required readings, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines.

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[Solved] Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

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  • Submitted On 25 Feb, 2018 07:01:41
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