I need to develop a marketing plan for a product that does NOT
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I need to develop a marketing plan for a product that does NOT exist. Make sure to google the product you think of to make sure it doesn't exist.
Do not focus on the product.. pick a product that you’re familiar with the target market.
It is highly recommended to be creative and innovative. Please utilize the concepts and theories discussed throughout the semester in order to help you construct a thorough and professional marketing plan.
The marketing plan will consist of the following:
Executive summary – one page synopsis of entire plan, comes first, written last, highlight opportunity to choose that plan, highlight target market (spark someone’s interest to read further into the plan)
Situation analysis, - environmental analysis, competitive environment (brand, product competition), political environment, legal/regulatory, behavioral (environmental factors)
SWOT analysis, - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
Objectives and goals – what is your objective and how does it correlate to the goals. Is it market share? Subscribers? Leads? Revenues? Units sold?
Marketing strategy – targeting strategies
Implementation of the marketing strategy along with creative advertising tactics. – Talk about how and where you will advertise. Wrap up the plan with an advertisement. Market the benefits.
Attached is a sample marketing plan & worksheets to help with the paper.
There is no page limit as long as it consists of everything mentioned above.
[Solved] I need to develop a marketing plan for a product that does NOT
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- Submitted On 08 Dec, 2017 08:50:15
- Tutor-571
- Rating : 51
- Grade : A+
- Questions : 1
- Solutions : 5085
- Blog : 0
- Earned : $6352.87